A Painful Life

The Dream

Author's POV

Kakashi finished his conversation with the Hokage, he was 100% sure that Yumi was going to be tough responsibility; just like Naruto... and Sasuke. The things Kakashi does for this village, right? His mind was roaming with thoughts. He grabbed the doorknob and walked out of the room. Yumi was still outside, waiting for him to come out. She walked past him and knocked on the door.

"Yes. Come in", she heard the Hokage say.

"Lord Hokage", she bowed, "I'm sorry I'm being such a burden today but I forgot to know what team I'm going to join and what types of missions and stuff like that", she rushed.

"Ah, yes", he took out candidate files and papers from his drawer desks. "Well, you do know that the maximum number of members in each team is three".

Yumi gave him an uneasy look. "But", he went on, "I can squeeze you in with Squad 7". He looked up from the files.

She let out a quiet sigh. "Are you sure that this is legit, Lord Hokage?"

"Of course, I already told your sensei-to-be, and they are more than happy to have you as their new mate", he gave her an ensuring smile.

"Thank you so much Lord Hokage, I apologize again for my nuisance", she looked down. "Can I know what types of missions that we're going to have?" she asked.

"Here", he handed her information scrolls, "you'll find all the info here".

She opened one and read it aloud, "D-ranked missions?" She raised an eyebrow. Yumi was not used to attending D-ranked missions, she had thought she would have from C to A-ranked. Just like back in the Sound village.

"The missions will depend on your skills and agility to survive in advanced modes. It will be more like, starting from scratch", he stood up from his seat and walked around.

"I understand Lord Hokage, what about my residence? I don't think I have a place to stay".

"How can you say that? Your father's house is still here", he said.

"I know, but my problem is... I don't have the key. I think I lost it and I was really embarrassed to tell you Lord", her cheeked flushed pink.

He thought for a while then called in for one of those Chunin guards. In just a second, one came right in. He told him to accompany me to the house and gave him a key to give it to a metals artist to copy it. This was strange, since when did they have house keys of the villagers?

Yumi's POV

I finally reached home after the Chunin made a key copy for me and let me buy a key chain so I wouldn't lose it. The house was big, it hasn't changed at all since I left it. The only thing that was different was the 2 layer dust that covered it which made it more of a ghost house. Oh god, now I'll have to clean it up and bring an exterminator to check if there are any crawlies. No one said it was going to be easy.

Meanwhile, at Kakashi's POV

After I left the Hokage's office, it was time to go to my squad. I went to our usual spot meeting; the bridge.

They looked pissed off as always. If only they knew what was going on. "Good Morning everyone! Sorry I'm late! I'm afraid I got lost on the Path of Life", I said. That's the phrase in chapter 4 of Make-out Paradise. Naruto and Sakura started scolding me as usual.

"Anyways, I have good news. A new teammate is going to join us", I exclaimed.

"A NEW TEAMMATE?!", Naruto asked questionably.

"Yes. You'll meet her tomorrow. She used to live here before but now she's back. I want you guys to make her feel at home", I advised.

Author's POV

"Her? She's a girl?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Her name is Yumi Kyoro." Kakashi replied.


Yumi's POV


I woke up to find myself in a dark forest, full of enormous trees. The only sound I could hear was the animals, running in the forest. I stood up and dusted my clothes off. I wandered around looking for any sign of a living human. Suddenly, the earth below me started shaking. Crack. It was an earthquake, it was so hard that I lost my balance and fell. A twig snapped. Snap. Someone was there. Another snap

"Well well, if it isn't Yumi", a voice said.

"Who is it? Who are you?" The sound of breathing came closer.

"Is this how you solve your problems? By running away? I thought I taught you better", there was a disappointment in his tone.

"I know this voice. It's. YOU! OROCHIMARU!", my eyes narrowed.

"Those last few hours didn't make you forget that easily. I'm not done yet with you", he appeared out of the darkness. He looked devious as always, his bright yellow eyes shone and his long black hair was carelessly surrounding his head.

"Leave me alone! It was my choice to run away", before I could even continue, his ghostly face grew from devious to deadly. His mouth grew fangs and his body elongated into a giant scaly snake. He rose up and aimed at me at full force. I screamed and tried to run away. But it wasn't long till he swallowed me whole.

"AHHHHHH", I sat up. I was in my bedroom. I flickered on the night light. The bed was in place, the room looked in tact. I felt the sweat on my forehead and my hands were shaking. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was still in tact as well. I washed my face multiple times and then dried it with a towel.

I walked back into the bedroom and looked out the window. "It was just a bad dream", I told myself.

"I wouldn't be so sure"...
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The new and *hopefully* improved chapter 2 :D

Hope this is better than the old version.

-Jayda <3