
Sunrise-a new day

"Thomas! Get up, it's time to go!" Yami yelled.

Yami is my twin sister, we are eighteen years old, and she still acts like she's eight.

As you've heard, I'm Thomas. Today is the day that my family has chosen to move-Prom night. I had the most beautiful date ever! Let me start from the beginning.

My parents are not hippies-free spirits yes-but not hippies. My dad owns a motorcycle, and my mom works at a Harley shop. Three months ago my mother decided that she didn't like her job, so my dad told her to quit, well nothing is ever that simple with my mom. She decides to go job hunting, without telling anyone that she's quitting. She found a great new job; it pays well, she likes what she's going to be doing, and she found a place for us there too-so that everyone can make a little extra money. The only problem? It's across the country. Currently, we are in San Diego, California. My parents are dragging me to Simpsonville, South Carolina.

"Oh come on, Thomas, it won't be so bad." my mother had told me.

"Liberty," my parents prefer for us to call them by their names, "I'm happy here, why do I have to leave? I'm graduating this year, I can stay and find a job, and get an apartment!"

"Now Thomas, you know how important this is to Libby. We're moving, and you're coming with us." Ruh said.

So I went and told all my friends that the 'free spirits' just couldn't wait until after I graduated, to move. I thought they might at least wait until after prom...oh boy was I ever wrong. I had asked Amy Braelyn. She's the most popular girl in school, the most beautiful, and one of the smartest. She didn't look anything like a nerd, she was gorgeous. Unlike some of those dumb-blond jokes, she's walking perfection. Her long, bright blond hair reaches her thighs, and she has the most amazing green eyes-deep and meaningful. I wasn't the most popular, but I played football and dated cheerleaders, the normal jock stuff. Even with all of that, I was still so amazed that Amy hadn't rejected me. She's not mean, but she definetly has standards. Six days after I asked her to the prom, my parents give me the date we're moving, so that 'I can prepare'.

June 21st...prom night.

"Prom night?! Lib! Ruh! We can't leave that morning! That's prom night! I'm going with Amy Braelyn!" I yelled.

Liberty and Ruh just looked stupidly at me, Yami looked disappointed. We weren't aloud to yell. If Yami and I got into a fight, Liberty and Ruh would send us outside until we resolved it.

"Thomas, let's go get something to eat." Yami said, as she took my hand and we walked out the door.

Ever since that day, I haven't looked at my parents-let alone talked to them. The silence was annoying, but I know it hurts them, so I'm sticking to it.

"Thomas! Get up!" Yami yelled again, this time more angrily.

"I'm up, dammit!" I yelled back.

"Watch your mouth, Thomas!" Yami didn't like me cussing, she did it, why couldn't I? Well, that's Yami for you. She's confusing, she's my twin and I don't even understand her.

"Breakfast is ready!" Ruh sang. He's always been a morning person.

I could hear Liberty humming a showtune, as I slumped down the stairs.

"Cheer up, Thomas," Yami whispered, "You can sulk when we get there, but let them have their moment."

Knowing all the shit that I've put them through for the past three months I put a smile on my face before I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning everyone." I said as evenly as I could manage.

"And what a good morning it is." Ruh said, as he slapped me on the back.

"I was looking at school schedules last night, before I went to bed." Yami said.

"Well what did you find?" Libby asked.

"We start on the...fourteenth of July." she said with a smile.

"So, that means that you get more summer time." Ruh said, putting the pancakes and eggs on the table.

I pulled up a chair, it was a round table, that way, no one would feel superior by sitting at the end.

"So," I began, "What time are we leaving?"

Ruh picked up the syrup, "Around noon, is there anything left in your rooms?"

"Nope." Yami said, adding a pop on the 'p'.

"Only the best times of my life..." I muttered.

"Hmm?" the sound from Ruh, with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Nothing. It's all gone." I said.

"Good, it's ten now. Did you want to call anyone, before we disconnect the phone?" Lib asked us.

"No." Yami and I said in unison.

"Oh wait! Can I call Devin? She wanted to see us before we left." Yami said.

"Of course, Yam-yam." Ruh said, sweetly. He had nicknames for both of us. Yami would also be reffered to as; Yam-yam, Yami-mami, Yup yup-Yami, etc.

My name isn't that fancy, thank goodness. All he has for me is; Tom, Tom-tom, Tho, T-man, and things to that extent.

Once we finished eating Devin showed up to see us off. Apparently Devin had always had a crush on me. It sort of creeped me out. We've known each other since we were five. Our home, was like her second home. I didn't like her too much but she felt like family. Her and Yami had been best friends since the sandbox.

Ruh loved company, and Liberty, well her and Devin got along real well.

Devin has deep set brown eyes with slick black hair. Yami has light blue eyes, with bright black hair. Yami's hair used to be as long as Devin's-about to her waist-but she cut it herself about a month ago. Now it's short and spikey, she has just enough to pull it back into pigtails on the top of her head, but that's all she can do with it.

I know I said I play football, but my hair is shoulder-length in the back and comes to the tip of my nose in the front. It is also black, which is odd, considering Ruh and Lib's hair is blond. But we don't think about it, much.

Devin opened everyone's door to our tiny illusion blue Suzuki Sidekick. Yami was short for her age, and I was too tall. My head reached the cover of the car, but Yami could reach up her arms and barely touch it. She won't let anyone-not even a doctor-measure her height. So we always have to geuss, I'd say she's about 4'5".

We climbed into the midget car, and back out of the driveway. Devin stood there waving and crying. Yami watched Devin, and I looked out my window and said good-bye to my first home.