I Just Wanted to Tour!


"Carmen, I have a big surprise for you!" My big brother Joe yelled from outside. I jumped from my bed and ran to the door. There was the Fall Out Boy tour bus. "Mom said you can tour with us!" He yelled. I ran toward him and gave him a hug. Then I went toward the other guys and hugged them.

"Where is mum by the way?" I asked. Joe shrugged. I shrugged back. I packed my bags which ended up being four suitcases.

"Carmen, it's just a few months. Not forever!" Pete yelled. I stuck my tongue out at him and ran toward the bus. It was bigger than it looked. I squealed and gave my brother another hug.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"How about right now?!" Joe shouted. And the bus started rolling. I unpacked my iPod and started listening to,"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." I thought of the day I first met Joe.


"Mary, where are you taking me?" I asked. She looked over and glared at me. I sunk down in my seat and listened to the song she kept playing over and over in her car. We pulled up to white house and she hissed for me to get out. The lady that answered the door was young and pretty.

"Hi sweetie, you must be Carmen." She said squatting. I smiled and shook my head. "Well, come in. Meet my son Joe." I followed her to a room where a boy about six years old was watching cartoons.

"Mommy, is that my new sister?" He asked. She laughed and said,

"No sweetie, this is Carmen. She will be staying here while her mom goes out of town."

"How long will she be here?" He asked.

"About a month." Joe turned around and continued watching T.V. Mary and the lady talked in the kitchen while I sat down beside Joe.

"Hello, I'm Carmen."

He stared at me."I'm Joe, are you an alien?"

"I don't think I am." I replied confused. He turned back toward the T.V. I watched him in awe. Mary and the lady walked out. Mary glared at me. I followed her out.

"Carmen, your going to stay with my close friend Mrs. Trohman. Be a good girl for mommy, okay." I nodded. She had shocked me. This was the Mary I wish I lived with. Not the abusive one.

"Come on sweetie. Let's go to the park." I grabbed Mrs. Trohman's hand and followed her.

~End of Flashback~

I looked down. My song had changed. It was now playing the song Joe and I used to like.


Carmen, are you okay?" Joe asked.

"No, she hit me again." I sobbed in his arms. Joe led me to his mothers room.

"Carmen, are you okay?" She asked.

"Mrs. Trohman, Mary abused me. She has been ever since she gained custody of me."

We called the police. After a strange court battle, Joe and his parents had gained custody of me.

"Well, I guess since you're now my sister I can tell you." He said as we sat in his room going through Cd's.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"I had a crush on you when I was twelve." He confessed. "Kinda gross, you know, now that we're siblings."

"Yeah, it is. I had one on you too. Glad we don't have those feelings anymore." I smiled.

~End of Flashback~
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No, they are not gonna fall in love.
That is just gross.