I Just Wanted to Tour!

How Could You?

"Wow Ryan, only ten minutes late!" Brendon yelled.

"Dude, I lost track of time. Sorry, it won't mess us up."

"Yes, it will. Ryan, you always do this. Meet some new girl and make her fall for you just so you can hurt her!" Brendon screamed. I walked away with tears falling from my eyes. I could hear Ryan and Brendon arguing. I should have listened to Joe.

"Carmen, Carmen, wait up!" Ryan called after me.

"Why, so you can just hurt me?" I asked coldly.

"Brendon just said that because he wants you. I never come late, I never break new girls hearts. He's just being an asshole."

"Oh, okay." I said nonchalant. He reached his arms out for a hug. I turned and walked away.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Brendon is an asshole. He always gets the girls. When I finally get the girl, he takes her from me. I am so furious right now. Carmen was sweet, pretty, funny, open-minded, everything I look for in a girl. But he had to mess that up. I walked back to the set. Spencer sat down beside me.

"You okay Ry?" He asked.

"No, I really liked her and Brendon messed it up for me."

"Well, Brendon was just mad. Last night, he stayed up talking about her. But when you took her out for coffee this morning, he felt betrayed by his best friend. Now, he feels horrible. But now, he can see how you actually like her and not just trying to take her from him."

"Well, I can't forgive him for this. I can't believe he pulled that card. You know what, Spence? This means war. Either I get her or he gets her." I stood up from my spot on the floor.

"Wait, don't lose your friendship over a girl you just met last night. Ryan, it is not worth it." Spencer tugged on my pants. I was too busy thinking of all the ways I could take her back.

Carmen's P.O.V.

I was walking on the sidewalk when someone called my name. I turned around. I really needed to see this face.
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