I Just Wanted to Tour!

Just Friends

I looked at my self in the mirror. Why am I so concerned about how I look? Ryan is obviously not interested in me. I'm not interested in him. I thought about Brendon. Was he the reason I was so eager to go?

"Carmen, hurry up. I gotta pee!" Pete yelled.

"Wait Wentz, I'm not finished!" I checked my outfit one last time, then walked out.

"Whoa, you're dressed up. Little Trohman is growing up!" He cried. I gave Pete a hug and walked away. He stood there looking confused. I sat down at the front of the bus. Joe walked in and sat beside me.

"Hey Carm, ready for the big show tonight?"

"Yep, I can't wait." I told partially the truth. I was eager to hear all my favorite bands, but I couldn't bear to see Brendon or Ryan. But I wanted to see William. Ugh, why did I come here?

"Well, I will see you then." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the bus. I heard him speak to someone and I prayed it was just Patrick.

"Hey Carmen, want to take a quick walk before we perform?" Ryan asked.

"The last time we did something like that, you were late and caused your band members to be mad at you."

"Well, it won't be that long. If it does, well fuck 'em." I laughed and decided to walk with him. "Carmen, are you mad at me?"

"Nah, kinda shocked, utterly confused, but not mad."

"Sorry about this morning. I have no idea what to say about it."

"It's fine, I wasn't really looking for a relationship or anything. It hurt at first but I understand now." He looked down at the ground. "We should be getting back."

"Yeah, we should. I'm glad you understand. Friends for life?"

"Friends for life." And we shook hands. Friends, that what we were and what we would always be. Just friends.
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I'm lacking on the comments and subscriptions. I need you guys to show me a little love. You know you like my story. So tell me. So show me!!! Question: Is that two boys or a guy and a girl? I'm kinda confused on that one.