Old Obsessions Die Hard


It was freezing outside on the cold night. I was still cold even though I was inside. I was currently sitting on my couch with hot coco and my old photo albums. Looking at our pictures hurt but it made me realize how much I missed home and that warm ass Carolina weather. I miss the way a certain guy would walk around shirtless. I miss my four best friends; well I don’t miss the perv Shannon as much as the other ones but oh well. I miss Autumn and Jeff the most I think. I was still sore over having to leave them. My mom had met some guy off the internet and took me and my sister and high tailed it to North Dakota. I never understood why she just up and left dad for this guy. He is ugly, in my point of view and he didn’t have as much money as he claimed to be. Never will I understand her reasons for making us leave but there wasn’t much I could do. So I did the only thing possible, I started to write a lot. I am currently going through college and getting my writer’s degree.
I scanned through different pictures and barely noticed the tears streaming down my face. The last picture in the book was taken on the day we left. I hadn’t been able to keep in touch with any of them thanks to my mother. She wouldn’t get us a phone until she was settled. I think her reason for that was that wanted to forget North Carolina and every one in it. Of course I didn’t feel that way, neither did Hallie. But I have made up my mind on one thing I am going back to North Carolina. My sister Hallie came in and noticed the tears. She wrapped her arms around me and we shared a cry as well.
“I know you miss them, I miss them too but it’s been three years. Do you think they are thinking of you?”
“I don’t know but I can’t forget about them. They were like family; ok maybe not but still they all meant something to me.” She smiled and got up. I was going to Carolina if it killed me, it were I belonged. But she did have a point, would they remember me?
I got up the next day and went to classes as usual. I hated the weather here it was too damn cold. Tomorrow was the day, the last day of class was today and then I was southern bound. Class went by pretty slowly and it made me drag on more. This whole thing may be a bad idea what was I supposed to do when I got there? ‘Hi do you remember me?’ That seemed bad; they may not even remember me. God how do I get myself into these messes?
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sorry guys got bored so new story ya