Old Obsessions Die Hard


I woke up and stretched. The room around me greeted me and made me smile. It’s nice to be back in the Carolina air. My cell phone rang I looked at the id and it read mom. I am not answering that. I got out of Jeff’s old bed and opened the door. I heard Daddy Gil talking to someone.
“I swear to ya she’s here. Go look for yaself you’ll see.”
“What do you think Jeff’s gonna say daddy? You ‘member what her leavin’ did to him.”
I made my presence known by walking into the kitchen. I was wearing my long black t shirt that used to be Jeff’s and a pair of green boxers with purple paint on them. Matt stood up and the tears were fighting to fall from my eyes. He pulled me into a hug and I lost it.
“I missed you so much Mattie.” I felt him chuckle and pull away.
“Look at you Faith, had I not recognized the clothing I would have thought a centerfold model walked in. Wait ‘till Shan sees ya.” I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“Is the old horn dog still at it?”
“Believe it or not he isn’t as bad as he used to be but seeing you may send him back to the past.”
“Can we go see him?”
“Am I dying?”
“Why would you say that?”
“You just asked to see Shannon, someone must be dying.” I laughed again. He pulled me into another hug and I went to get dressed. I was scanning through my clothes I had brought. I heard Matt’s warm laugh again. This is where I belong at home with family and friends that actually care about you. I changed into my black tank top and hip huggers. I walked out and Matt laughed again.
“Are ya tryin to give Shan a boner?” I chuckled and then I hugged Daddy Gil. After that we left.
The drive there was just us catching up. I had missed so much of their lives. I wonder if they will let me back into them. We arrived at Shannon’s place and a dog came running at me. The damn thing was huge! But it was pretty. I heard that familiar voice though and the accent nearly killed me. When did Shannon’s voice get so hot?
“OZ its just Matt get down boy.”
“Actually Shan it aint just Matt get your ass out here.” I looked over at Matt who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Shannon walked to the door and his eyes about jumped out of his head.
“Who is this?” I looked at Matt then I spoke up.
“Shannon Brian Moore I am ashamed of you. You don’t remember ill’ ol’ me?”
“Uh no um give me a sec’ a may uh.”
“Its Faith, I am hurt now.” I pretended to pout.
“Faith? When did you get back? When did you get so hot? Um does Jeff know?”
“Um last night I stayed at Daddy Gil’s and uh I don’t know and no he doesn’t.”
“Can we fuck before he knows you’re here?” I started to laugh and Matt pushed him aside so we could walk in.
Shannon’s place was beautiful. He just kept staring at me. It made me kind of nervous but I was still marveling his house. It seemed to fit him so well now. Oz kept attacking my hands with kisses. I felt so at home, I guess he read my mind because his next statement was just that.
“Makes ya feel at home don’t it?” I nodded and continued walking. We got outside and he showed me the pool.
“You’re welcome to strip down and jump in ya know.” I laughed and nodded. When Matt walked away Shannon came up and hugged me.
“Ya know I always had feelings for you but damn girl time did you good.” I laughed again then his words sank in.
“What do you mean and what did you mean about earlier about the screwing thing?”
“Jeff and I used to fight over you. We both liked you hell maybe even loved you. When you left it killed us both. The fucking thing is because I think Jeff still has feelings for you and so do I.” My mouth gaped open and Shannon walked inside. What the hell had I done? I caused a rivalry between best friends and I had no idea. Maybe coming back was a bad thing.

I walked back into Shannon’s house and I was just in utter shock. Both boys liked me? I knew Shannon had but Jeff that surprised me but not as much as the voice I heard next that sent shivers up my spine. It was him.
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