Old Obsessions Die Hard

Spend some time with me...

Part of me wanted to loop my hand with his. Being around Jeff just felt so right and being back in Carolina I have never felt more at home. I had missed all of this so much. I’m moving back down here one way or the other. All my thoughts, not revolving around Jeff flooded me at once. What about school? What about your sister? What about life in North Dakota? I laughed at the last question because quite frankly I didn’t give a flying fuck about that place. I hated it there. I was never at home. I could transfer into the community college. I had it all worked out in my head other than one small detail. Where would I stay? I tapped my chin with my index finger. Hmm I wonder if I could stay with daddy Gil until I got a job. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice every one staring at me. It was Jeff’s voice that brought me out of my trance like state I was in. His hand was on my shoulder and he was now standing in front of me, staring at me with those deep emotion filled green eyes of his.
“Faith are you ok?” I shook my body to remind myself that I needed to come out of my thoughts and be normal.
“Yea sorry I spaced out.” His worried expression still showed on that beautifully designed face of his but he nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me inside. I nearly exploded from bliss because his hand was wrapped around mine. My insides started to do little summersaults and I could have sworn I silenced about four squeals in a row. I will never understand what this man does to me, all I know is I never want the feeling to stop. Being with Jeff turned me into a… I can’t even describe it. I felt like I could take on the world. There’s no way he still feels the same about me now like he did then. If only I had known I wouldn’t be here visiting. I would be with him and never would have left. I wouldn’t have cared what my mother had said. I hated her now for taking away my life as Jeff’s wife then I ever have. Hehe I liked how that sounds; Jeff’s wife. I was getting way in over my head, just like Hope is always telling me I do. I sort of miss her already, though I don’t miss her harping ways. She has to be in control now and I don’t like her bossing me around. Jeff still had a hold on my hand as we walked into the living room. Now that boy, wait scratch that, that man could control me any damn way he pleases. I wonder what sex is like with him. I felt my face heat up with blush so I quickly looked away and out of the corner of my eye I saw matt smiling and winking at Jeff. Needless to say Jeff dropped my hand quickly. Daddy Gil and Matt were already seated. Jeff and I were the last to walk in. I didn’t mind it though. Of course I didn’t I was with Jeff and he was holding onto my hand until Matthew rudely stopped that!
“Hey Jeffro guess what I was thinking?” Jeff took his seat in the arm chair to Daddy Gil’s left. He raised his eyebrow in Matt’s direction.
“And what might that be Matteo?” I giggled softly. Matt just grinned in my direction.
“I do believe Faith coming home is a good enough cause for a party.” Jeff smiled and smirked at Matt.
“A Hardy Party that will be broadcasted for all the Hardy fans online?” Matt just grinned like an idiot and nodded while I shook my head in protest.
“Matthew Moore I am not attending any part and you Jeffrey Nero,” I pointed accusingly at Jeff, “are here by receiving the silent treatment from me until further notice.” I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest. Within moments Jeff was out of his seat and at my feet pouting like a puppy dog.
“Puhlease Faye Faye it’s just our way of showing how much we missed you and want you to stay in our lives.” When I saw the pout I would have given the devil my soul just to see his smile again. So I sighed and nodded.
“Boy you sure did grow up Miss Charleston.” I turned around and came face to face, well face to chest with a face I hadn’t seen in a long time…my father’s.
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sorry ive had a bit of writers block on this story but its back in full swing now
im sorry i kind of suck as an author here lately so please forgive me

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