
Chapter Three

"Okay, I want the seeker to chase around the snitch for a while. Just the first practice. Keep your eye on it. My beaters, practice on eachother. And finally, chasers, you three are up against me. Chris and Pele, go to the other side and practice shooting on each other. Marcus, you'll be the first one.

"So, how was your summer?" you asked, swinging your arm around to throw it to the hoop.

"Well, good I guess. I got engaged."

"Oh, congrats," you said, driving your broom left to catch the quaffle.

"And what about yourself."

"Well, I didn't think I'd ever actually make a team. So I got a job waitressing, rented an appartment, you know, the usual 'just-got-out-of-school' jazz."


"So have you set a date?"

"Not yet. We were thinking sometime around winter. That's off season, so we'd have plenty of time before and after the wedding. And it's plenty of notice."


"OI! PELE!" Oliver shouted. "YOUR TURN!"

"Hey, It's Christina right?" a sauve voice said from behind you.

"Hmm, oh yea. You can call me Chris though."

"I'm Marcus."

"You want to shoot it some time today?" yo asked, referring to the quaffle.

"Oh, sure. Sorry. I was just entranced by those eyes."

"Save it." you mumbled. He lightly threw it at you. You grumbled and beamed it at him as hard as you could. He went flying off his broom, through the small hoop (where you were practicing) and landed on the ground with a thump.

'Take that.'

"APPLEGATE!!! What did you do?"

"He musn't have been ready, I just threw it. I guess it was a little too hard. It won't happen again." you said, flashing him your innocent face.

"Alright. Well, your up. Come on then, everybody back to practice."

You started shooting the quaffles at him. "So, care to tell me what really happened?" he asked. You accidentally threw the ball behind you.

"Well, he was being perverted, so I retalliated. For women's rights!" you said.

'How the hell did he know I was lying! Nobody ever knows.'

"Well, just watch your temper next time,or I'll have to kick you off the team."

"ME?! HE was the one making crude comments!" you said as you flung the ball at him.

"YES! I can't have any injured players! We don't have any alternates! And we sure as hell don't have time to find a replacement!"

"You! YOU!" you screamed, flinging the quaffle. It went in. IT WENT IN! You barely EVER scored on Oliver. Usually only in heat of the moment during games. You do better under pressure in games.

Everone gasped. By then, they were all viewing your little feud. Nobody ever scored on Oliver during practice. Even if you could, you aimed off. That's just how it went. Without even knowing Oliver, everyone knew that's what kind of guy he was. It was like, insulting his manhood, or kicking him in the balls.

"Practice is over for today. Same time tomorrow guys." Oliver said, without any emotion.

You started to walk to the locker rooms when Oliver called you, "Chris, I'd like to see you in my office."

"They gave you an office?" you questioned.

"Yes, follow me."

"This is pretty nice. I like the --"

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT! It's the first practice Applegate. Couldn't you have at least tried? Couldn't you have put at least a little effort into making this work? Or do you just have to keep going at it, messing everything up for me? HMM?"

"ME? You're the one that had to get Saint Potter for seeker. I had friggin Chang. You had everything made for you. You had EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING WOOD! And as usual, you just had come and burst my bubble like you always do. Okay, and I didn't do anything wrong this time."

"Nothing wrong? First, you deliberately injur a player. Then, on the first day, you engage in a shouting match with me. The captain. On the first. day."

"You always have to make this about you." you said, inching closer to him. Your voice dripped with venom. Hatred flew with every word. "You always had to draw all of the attention towards you." you said, getting quieter. "You always had to make yourself seem like a perfect little saint. With your 'my great friend Christina' shit." you were now in his face, practically whispering. "This is war now, buddy. This is it. You and me."

"Bring it." he said, his gaze piercing into your eyes. You glared at him.

"I have to leave. I have work." you said, and apparated back to your house.

It was 11:00. Your shift would end in an hour.

"Hey Brendon. What can I get for you?" you said with a sigh. Brendon was a regular.

"Hey." you heard through his thick australian accent. "You look horrible. Rough day?"

"Yeah."you said, breathing in deep.

"Hey, look. I'll take you out afterwards. For coffee. Or a drink, okay?" he said. You nodded.

"So, what do you want today?"

"The usual."

"Comin' right up!" you said and sauntered off.

You barely made it in to the appartment before he had your shirt off. You groped your way into the bedroom. You were drunk by then, and didn't realize what was happening. [I'm not doing a sex scene. At least in this episode. Sooo.... use your imagination.]