
Chapter Four

"Applegate! You happen to be three minutes late!" Wood screamed at you.

"Bite me."

"What was that?"

"Sorry! I couldn't find my po... uniform." you said. You were still slightly hung over. The potion was kicking in slowly.

"Okay guys, same deal as yesterday. First we'll have warm-ups though. These will be normal. Daily." he started. He went through the boring warm-ups. Blah Blah. Runa three laps. Fly four. Sit-ups, push-ups, flying excersizes... BORING!

It had been two weeks of grueling practices. Finally, it was the moment you all waited for: the first game!

You all put on your black uniforms. You hopped onto your Nimbus 2001 and waited at the entrance.

"And now, an old team, with new members. Please welcome beaters Tony Kong and Stanley Fenmarx!" The audience, all 20 members, cheered as the two entered the stadium.
"Our chasers, in order ranking from last to first, are: Marcus Phillips," cheer "Pele Armstrong" cheer "aaand, the star chaser, Christina Applegate!" cheer "Next, we'd like you to welcome the seeker, Paul Simons!" cheer "And last, please give a big round of applause to the keeper, and captain of the Bats, OLIVER WOOD!!"

The audience errupted into cheers, and the game was off.

"The bats have possession of the quaffle. Phillips, Phillips to Armstrong, Armstrong back to Phillips, they're reversing they're way up the field... and, LADIES AND GENTS! IT was a diversion. Phillips passes it to Applegate to score the first ten points of the game! Looks like the bats are off to a good start. Oh! Dmitriov hit with a bludger, that's got to hurt. But look, Applegate speeds down the pitch with the quaffle. It appears as if she's going to... yes! She's faked out the keeper and SHE SCORES! 20-0 Bats!"

"And ladies and gents, that was a clean, swift game. Final score Bats 340, Tornadoes 0! Quite a boring game for captain Oliver Wood. He must be proud though. You know--"

"Great game guys." Oliver preached in the locker room. "Our first game, a shut out! Applegate, your flying was off but you made up for it with the points. We'll work on that tomorrow."

"Oh, Wood, shut up!" Pele screamed.

"Let's go out for drinks!" Tony said.

"Yeah"'s echoed throughout the locker room, and it was settled. Out to the pub for a celebration!

"You know, I think we're going to have a good year. I can feel it." you slurred to Paul.

"Really?" he inquired. "And why do you say that."

"I must be psychic!" you giggled.

"Well, Applegate, Simons, I'm heading home."

"Oliver, it's 10:30 at night. You drank half a butterbeer. Have a life." you said.

"Actually, Chris, it's 1:30 in the morning."

"I could have sworn there was zero in that clock."

"AND, I think you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk." you screamed. "Well, maybe just a little."

"Okay guys, she's far too wasted to get back home safely. I'll stop her by."

"Olly Olly Olly get you adjectives!" you yelled at him, angrily.

"Olly? I like it. Now, why don't we get you home?"

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Why must you be so difficult." he threw you over his shoulder and apparated to your appartment.

"Now, do you happen to have the keys on you?" he asked, slowly.

"Yup!" you said, and pulled them out of your shirt.

"Okay. Well, just hand them here so I can open the door for you."
you handed him the keys. "And, there."

Sobering up for a second of clear thinking, you said, "Oliver, thanks for bringing me home tonight." and you pecked him on the lips. After you got inside, you slammed the door shut and crumpled up on the couch, dreading the next days hangover.