Everything We're Not


The name’s Halie Charels.

My name is Amelia Emmers.

I’m Kaylyn Phillips.

The three of us all had different lives. We lived in different places. We were completely different people. Until we found out we all had a special bond; a special power. We had the same destiny...

In the United States a car went by as a young girl named, Halie walked down the sidewalk. She was a tall thin girl with straight light brown hair and brown eyes. Her torn baggy pants were worn low enough that one might ask how she kept them up without a belt. She wore a rather large grey sweater that belonged to her mother over her mid-drift t-shirt.

As usual she was ditching school. It was typical of her to ditch. She hated school, it was boring. The teachers yelled at her all the time. Then when she went home she got yelled at more for being a bad student. She hated her life. Nothing ever worked out for her. Everything she did was wrong and she couldn’t do anything right.

Halie closed her eyes and looked down at the ground as she walked. Halie sighed softly and another car went by. She opened her eyes and saw a small black crystal on the ground. Halie stopped in her tracks and picked it up. She looked at it carefully as she started walking again.

‘It’s pretty, but it’s just a rock. Who gets excited over a stupid rock?’ She asked herself with a frowned. She suddenly felt like she could run a mile; no, ten miles and not get tired.

A small huff left the young girl’s lips as she walked through the wooded area in the park. She looked behind her at the street she’d been on; she could have sworn she was being watched, but no one was there. Shrugging the feeling off, she tossed the rock into the woods in front of her.

Rocks should be in the woods, not my pocket.” She grumbled before heading to leave. Now she felt like she needed a nap, frowning a bit she decided she’d just been hyper earlier from the chocolate she ate and now that hyper feeling was simply wearing off.

Without thinking any more about it she walked off heading to the arcade at the other end of the park.

In England a girl with wavy reddish brown hair, nicely cut bangs and bright teal eyes was sitting on a swing at the park looking at the crimson crystal she found on her way to the library earlier that day. It made her feel like she had all this extra energy and she couldn’t understand why. It looked like any other rock or crystal.

‘What’s up with this stone? What is it?’ she asked herself looking at the book of crystals and rocks that sat in her lap. Amelia was a curious young girl and loved to learn new and different things. So while she was at the library she decided to get a book so she could learn more about this stone. She looked in the book for a rock or crystal that looked similar to this one, but she didn’t find one.

‘It’s not in this book either.’ She mentally stated putting that book in a stack with the others. Amelia had checked out more then one book. She checked quite a few actually. She didn’t expect the fine the stone in the first book; now that would just be too lucky.

‘That was the last book I had too.’ She mentally stated with a frown; it looked more like a pout though.

“Now what?” she asked out loud looking at the crystal hoping that it would answer. It didn’t. She sighed trying to keep herself from getting frustrated. She slipped the stone back into her pocket and picked up her stack of books hoping to get them back to the library before they closed in an hour.

A few countries away, in Australia was a tall wavy blonde haired girl with dark violet eyes named Kaylyn. She walked up to her house and pulled out her house key. She fumbled with the key and it fell to the ground. She bent over to pick it up and saw something shine in the corner of her eye. She picked up the key and looked to see what had caught her attention. To the left of her house door was a beautiful clear stone. Wanting a closer look she picked it up carefully and looked at it for a moment.

She held it in her hand as she stood up and opened her door before walking in.

“Mother, I’m home!” She called as she walked into the house pushing the door closed behind her.

“Did you have fun with your friends?” her mother asked her from the kitchen.

“Yeah,” Kaylyn replied before heading to her bedroom upstairs. She tossed her house key onto her dresser and kicked off her shoes before jumping onto the bed and looking at the crystal again curiously.

‘It’s beautiful, just looking at it makes me happy…and energetic.’ She gave a laugh at the silly and completely impossible thought. Smiling she placed the stone on her night stand then got ready for dinner.

Three girls; from three different places – England, the United States, and Australia – have but one thing in common. They each have a crystal; a crystal that can’t be found in any book; a crystal that was attracted to a special gift that each of them have.
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So finally I get the first chapter out. I went through and made quite a few changes to the story, characters, etc. Still, the grammer isn't great, I didn't wanna completely rewrite the chapter seeing as how I don't have the time.
Anyways, I hope to get the first chapter out soon. Don't expect it right away though. But either way, here's the "Prelude" of the story.
Please remember to let me know what you think. I am interested in your opinions. Please no flames though. I don't mind constructive critisism, but no flames. They don't help me get better then just annoy me to no end.
Well, thanks for reading! I'll try to update again soon! =D

This work is fully copyrighted to me. You may not copy, redistribute, save to your computer, redistribute, or claim as your own. If you see this on some other site people contact me right away with the link to it. I'll handle it. Thank you,