The White One Is Evil

Finding The Truth

I text Sarah three times and I still got no reply. So I decided to go to her room. I get to her door and I suddenly want to turn back. But I don’t. Sarah opens the door and gives me a big smile. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here” “Why aren’t you texting me back Sarah?” “I was on my way down to you!” “Well I’m here now” “Yeah I can see that, wait inside Ill be back in a min”.
I go into Sarah’s room and sit on the bed. I see her phone beside me, I want to know if she was even reading my texts so I pick up the phone and see it has one new message. I see Stephan’s name come up and I feel afraid. I don’t know weather to open the message or not. I realise I have to, I need to know if Sarah is cheating on me or not. When I open the message it reads: “That was fun, we should hook up again- I miss you too”. I’m so angry.
Sarah comes back inside and tells me that she has to go to a lesson, I say Ok and go back down to where I left Ed outside the library. “Everything go OK?” “No... Well I dunno there was a message from Stephan, she has been meeting up with him but I don’t know if she has been sleeping with him” “Well I’m sure we’ll find out in time”.

We do. Just as were leaving to go out for some food I see Ben from my band come over, "Alex, Stephan says he wants to see you”. I refuse to go over and while me and Ed try to walk away, he comes over to us and with a smirk he says, “You do know I’m seeing Sarah, don’t you?” I stand still and clench my fists. “And we had sex six times now Alex, She must really love you” He walks away laughing with his friends and I don’t feel like crying, I’m to angry. I look at Ed and he looks like he really doesn’t know what to do.
I tried to ring Sarah but after a wait of no answer I knew it was useless. I see Sarah walk by with her friend and I call her over. She looks at her friend as if she doesn’t want to come over to me. “Sarah, are you cheating on me?” she looks at me as if I’m gone mad, “What? Alex where did you hear that?” now I feel as if maybe, its all in my head. I stand and think while Ed jumps in and saves my moment. “From Stephan, everyone knows now”. She looks at her friend with a smirk, gives me a wink and walks off.
I finally realised, my first and only love has cheated on me.