Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody.

If you look at the town of Sheffield, England as a hole you would say it was an ordinary town. What you wouldn't see was the constant party hard attitude of the teens there. Sheffield holds many secrets for one young boy, more so than the rest of the teens in Sheffield. Oliver Sykes. The jocks see him as their party source, the whores as their easy fuck. His flat is THE main party spot, every Friday night all the kids know damn good and well that his place will have loud music, plenty of drinks, and sometimes drugs. Oliver is a social outcast, other than his parties no one will speak to him unless they need info about a party.

His group of friends consists of Matt Nichols, Lee Malia, Curtis Ward, and Matt Kean. They are all in a band that they call Bring Me The Horizon. Lee and Curtis are juniors, Matt and Matt graduated last year, and it is now Oliver’s senior year. It’s sad in his opinion that he is a senior and gets picked on like he’s a freshman. Except on that oh so faithful Friday night, then he’s the center of attention.

There is one girl, just one, that hasn’t ever tried to make a move on him. He’s never seen her at his parties, or anywhere really. The only place he sees her is at school. He has one class with her, art. He sees her walking to second period and fourth period. He sees her walking from seventh period and out the door. She always parks in the exact same place, and gets to school at the exact same time. He made it his goal to get to know her. Not because he wanted to have sex with her, because she fascinated him. Her name was Marie Anne Johnson. It killed Oli to admit it, but Marie Anne Johnson absolutely and undoubtedly fascinated him.


Name: Oliver Scott Sykes
Nicknames: Oli, Lolli
Hair: Black, longish, bangs brushed to one side
Eyes: Green
Likes: Marie Anne Johnson, music, his band
Dislikes: Meat (he’s vegetarian), most of the kids at his school, being lied to, surprises

Name: Marie Anne Johnson
Nickname: none
Hair: Long, lots of layers, black one red streak in her bangs
Eyes: very dark blue almost black
Likes: music, Oliver’s band, music in general, Oliver Scott Sykes
Dislikes: Small spaces, liars, people in general

This is an Oliver Sykes story.

“Our lives are like a candle in the wind.”