Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Let's Make Plans...


I couldn’t believe I found my Simple Plan CD! Luckily the guys were out somewhere because I was currently jumping up and down on my bed in my lacey aqua underwear, and to be honest it was fun!

I hopped off my bed and spun around a few times, swinging my hair all around the place like a crazy woman. The music was up so loud I couldn’t even hear myself think…let alone my door open and Georg screaming in horror before slamming it shut again. I jumped, racing over to pull on my clothes, and shut off my radio.

“Damn Cerise! Now you dance around half naked!? You’ve seriously lost it!” Georg screamed through the door. I finished pulling on my clothes and skipped over to let him in. I opened it with a wide grin on my face

“Well that’s what you get! Learn how to knock next time.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Besides I thought you guys were gone doing…” I motioned with my hands “Whatever you do.” I finished with a shrug and he rolled his eyes.

“No, that’s what I came to tell you,” he sighed “Gustav, Tom and I have to go back to the studio to finish recording, Bill’s finished with his vocals and he’ll be staying here with you.” Oh, so I got Bill again. This should be interesting.

“Alright!” I smiled; Georg began to walk away but stopped.

“Oh! And if you get hungry, order something for Christ sake. Actually…” he held his finger up, right to my nose “don’t go into the kitchen period…or anywhere near the kitchen, in fact! Don’t even think about going into the kitchen alright?” I rolled my eyes. Blow up one cake and they never let you live it down. I smiled and nodded

“Alright, don’t have a cow” I giggled shoving him out of my room and into the living room where I saw the others standing around being useless as ever...except Bill, he might have been in the bathroom. I let go of Georg and walked over to the door, holding it open as they walked out single file.

“If you need anything just call” Georg added as he walked down the hallway. I nodded as Gustav followed him out. When it was Tom’s turn he stopped and bent down, pulling me into a hug.

“Too bad I can’t stay and play babysitter again! I think I did pretty damn good last time!” He whispered into my ear as his hand fell from my lower back to my ass.

“You mean you’d say no again?!” I said jokingly as I bit my lip. What can I say; the lips are a way into a guy’s heart…or pants!

“You wish…” he said smiling at me.

“Yea, that you’d visit me later tonight! Maybe we can play a game…” I said looking oh so innocent. “Winner takes all!!”

“You’re on!” he said lightly kissing me before leaving.

I closed the door and ran over to the sofa, jumping over the back and landing in a crouched position, grabbing the remote in one swift motion like cat woman or something.

“Now, what shall we watch today?” I mumbled in a singsong voice as I flipped through the channels. I jumped as I felt someone’s arms wrap around my shoulders from behind me and gently kissed my cheek…and that was it. Damn these brothers couldn’t have been any more different! I frowned as Bill sat down beside me and began to watch TV. I guess it was up to me, man I have to do everything don’t I?

I hoped up on my knees, facing Bill. He turned and smiled.

“Yea?” I bit my lip and glanced down toward the zipper of his jeans but obviously he hadn’t noticed. I gave an innocent smile as I crawled like a cat over toward him and slowly lifted my leg over his, sitting down on his lap. I gently leaned in and kissed him, softly biting his lip as I did so. I felt his arms slide around my waist, pulling me into him. This only made me smile.

I felt his hand wander up my back, gently pulling off my shirt. I smiled as he gently began to lower his kisses until they reached my collar bone, sending sudden shivers up my spine. I fell back, lying on the couch, pulling off Bill’s shirt as he went to lie on top of me. I wrapped my leg around the outside of his as he knelt over me. I felt his cold fingers gently brush against my back, right where my bra was currently fastened, when he leaned down next to my ear.

“I’m hungry, let’s get something to eat.” And he stood up, grabbing his shirt and pulling it back on. I propped myself up on my elbows, staring dumbfounded at… nothing really.

“This is not happening!” First Tom, now…no! I was so pissed but Bill just stared at me confused as ever.

“Well I kept feeling your stomach growling and it was a little weird.” I frowned; true I was a little hungry. I sighed and got up, pulling my shirt back on as well. Damn these boys, I am going to get laid before the night was over.


Bill must not have been kidding when he had said he was hungry. He had already finished all of his food and half of mine. I couldn’t help but watch with a big smile plastered on my face. He looked up with a mouth full of French Fries and smiled back at me.

“What?” He asked as he swallowed and grabbed his burger. I shook my head and took another sip of my coke. He had taken me to a little diner down the street, nothing fancy and we could walk…which was a good thing seeing as neither of us had a car handy.

“Nothing.” I said shaking my head. I yawned and stretched, it was barely ten and I felt like I hadn’t slept in days.

“Tired?” He asked. I nodded and watched as he took one last French fry and placed his napkin down on his plate. “Yea, all that dancing must have worn you out!” I felt my jaw drop.

“How do you know!?” I asked. He laughed and took another drink of his water.

“I saw you obviously!” He smirked. I smiled, rolling my eyes.

“Pervert!” I laughed teasing him. If anything Tom was the pervert, not Bill. But that’s what made me like Bill. He wasn’t quick to rush, which led be to believe he really liked me. Not that I thought Tom didn’t, they just had their own reasons…and ways of showing it.

“Maybe,” he laughed “but you‘re a cute little dancer!” He had the cutest smile. Not to mention those eyes. Those eyes that only contributed to me falling for both of them, hell they were the one thing they had in common. Although they both gave me different feelings.

“Why thank you!” I giggled, letting out yet another yawn. He then got up and grabbed a hold of my hand.

“Alright, now you’ve been fed I suppose it’s time for bed, yea?” I smiled and nodded.

He was a sweet guy, and to be honest I was hoping our conversation might have gone into more depth but I was simply too tired. Not to mention I had an appointment later on tonight and most likely wouldn’t be getting that much sleep anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Shelby [gidjet363] and her cousin Holly!!
I hope you guys like it!!

Sorry for the wait!!
Writer's Block is a bitch!! XD
Well any way I hope you like this chapter!!
Tell us what you think!
That means comments *^_^*