Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Sexy Ass Waffles

As much as I wish I could have slept, my mind was racing with the thoughts of Tom. I don’t know if I was nervous or anxious or just a mixture of both, but I wanted him to hurry up and get home. I’m glad Bill didn’t seem in that much of a rush to sleep with me; if he walked in on me and Tom tonight my whole plan would be ruined. If that happened then I really wouldn’t be able to handle staying here with George for the next year.

After Bill and I got home from dinner he had kissed me goodnight and left for his room. I had checked on him once and found that he was sound asleep. I hurried back into my room to change into a cuter pair of panties with a bra to match. I knew they were just going to be coming off, but it was for effect.

I put on a pair of black lacey French Knickers and a lacey black bra that gave me the best cleavage. I’d have Tom drooling before he even got them off. I hadn’t really bothered with reapplying my make up cuz it’d just get smudged off. I sat in a chair in the shadows of the corner of my room waiting for Tom. I heard the front door open and close and I heard Georg walk down the hall and stop at my door. He opened it slightly and light fell on what looked like a body in my bed, it was really just a bunch of pillows. He then closed the door and I heard him walk to his room and shut the door.

Two other doors closed and I assumed them to be Tom’s and Gustav’s. The lights went off and I sat back and waited. Tom wasn’t stupid and knew he’d at least have to pretend to go to bed. I sat in that chair and could feel the angst building in my stomach. My heart began to race and I wondered if he had even remembered my request of him.

I then heard my door knob twist open and saw a tall figure walk in. It turned and closed the door as quietly as possible. I then realized it was indeed Tom, and he slowly made his way over to my bed and began to fiddle with the blankets. I got up from the chair quietly and made my way over to him. He reached over and turned on my lamp and looked down at a pile of pillows.

“What the…?” he said in confusion.

I slowly slipped my hands around his waist from behind and let them lazy fall to his very low pant-line. I softly kissed his bare back and I felt him relax to my touch.

“Gotcha…” I whispered a seductive voice.

He turned around, still in my arms, and looked down at me. He got the biggest smirk across his face and I wished I was a mind reader. I wanted to know exactly what he wanted to do with me.

“Hey baby, look at you, all dressed up…or should I say down, just for me.” he said as he leaned in placing little kisses along my collar bone.

“Mmm…you wanna play that game I was talking about?” I said with a slight moan as he sucked on the skin at my neck.

“What kind of game…?” He said as he pulled away and looked at me whilst playing with his lip ring the way he does.

“Well first you have to take all these off…but you must be creative, that’s a rule…then you get your prize…”

“What’s my prize baby?” He said as he returned to my neck leaving trails of kisses.

“You’ll see once you take these off.” He smiled into my neck and I felt his hands work their way from my ass to my back and start to work magic with my bra strap. Once it was unhooked he slid it of and dropped it to the floor. He had a playful grin on his face which only made me want him more.

I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to me kissing those soft luscious lips that I’d been thinking of all night. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip and entered my mouth deepening the kiss. That was it, I couldn’t hold back anymore, and I showed him.

I practically lunged at him and his hands found there way back to my ass as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He backed me up against the wall pressing himself against me. I started pulling off his hat and head sock throwing them aside. He let go of my legs and I once again stood in front of him still pressed against the wall.

I reached down to the bottom of his many layered shirts and pulled them off all in one fail swoop. I threw those carelessly to the side and pressed my self against his bare chest. He began kissing me more aggressively and I let a moan slip out between our lips. He smiled into the kiss and his hands began to wonder. One ended up at the small of my back pressing me into his groin and the other in my hair forcing my face to his.

He broke away from my mouth and made his way back down to my neck. His little trail of kisses started to wonder south and I threw my head back in approval letting out the slightest moan. I was trying to be quiet so that no one would ruin my moment, but this might be harder than I thought. Tom was known for being a Sex God, I’d soon test that theory!

“Bed..” I managed to say through my quickened breaths.

He came back up to my face and once again attached his lip to mine. He lifted me from the floor and turned toward my bed. As he set me down I quickly threw the pillows onto the floor out of the way. I turned to look up at him smiling down at me and I bit my lip as I reached out toward his belt buckle. I soon got his pants of and let them lay on the floor as he crawled on top of me and continued kissing me.

He broke away and sat up in front of me. He worked his fingers into the sides of the black lace underwear and began to slide them off over my legs. He dropped them next to his pants on the floor and smiled down at my exposed figure.

He kissed from my lower abdomen back up to my neck. He laid down on top of me and I could feel his length against me. I reached down and pulled his boxers off and threw them out of the way. We lay there naked with only each other to keep warm. Well it was really about to heat up. This was going to be an excellent night.


It was still dark outside, but as I lay there in Tom’s arms I could just start to see the stars fade away and a bit of orange creep up into the horizon. It had been quite a night; we had done it a total of times. This boy knew what he as doing! I was exhausted and felt at ease in his arms listening to him breath while he stroked my hair.

We hadn’t really said much since we finished, there really didn’t seem to be a need. But as 4:00 rolled around he turned to me and placed a small kiss on my forehead and pulled back to look down into my eyes.

“I have to go now…” he whispered as he played with a strand of my hair.

“Mmm…” I pouted in protest.

“I know…I don’t want to, but you don’t want anyone to find out do you?” he sadi playfully.

“No…I guess not.” I kissed him again as he climbed out of my bed over me and went to grab his boxers that lay on the other side of my room. I curled up in my sheets and lay on my side watching him put them back on followed by his shirt. He grabbed the remainder of his clothes and came back over to kiss me good bye.

“I’ll see you in a few hours.” he said as he brushed my hair from my face.

“You better!” I whispered as I bit my lip. He lightly laughed and walked to my door exiting quietly and leaving me in my bed with my thoughts.

If every night with him was that good, I don’t know if I’d need Bill. He didn’t seem all that much ready to be with me anyway. But I’d determine that later. Right now I just wanted to replay last night through my head a fall asleep.


I woke up to the smell of waffles wafting throughout the house. I got up and threw on a shirt and some flannel pants. I pulled my rather messy sex hair up into a loose bun and walked out into kitchen to see the boys all gathered together talking.

I felt all eyes on me as I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down next to Gustav.

“Good morning guys.” I sang out rather loudly.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Georg asked me.

“Isn’t it obvious!” Tom laughed. I tried not to look shocked, but I was hoping he wouldn’t say anything.

“What?” Georg replied.

“Waffles could put anyone in a good mood! Look at me…!” he danced around the kitchen and grabbed a plate full of waffles and set them down in front of me.

“Thanks doll!” I said as if it was only a nickname for a friend, but I loved the feeling of this secretive thing only we knew about. He joined me at the table and we all sat and talked a bit about random thing.

I could see Bill’s gaze from across the table and I only smiled back. He didn’t seem like he was really sure about me. I guess that would be my next task, to warm him up a little…or a lot!
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Sorry for the wait... we've been busy!
But i hope you enjoy this chapter!
I know i enjoyed writing it!

Thanks to all my readers and to Sing.A.Riot, sherbetsi, blueeyedisaster, and gidjet 363 for commenting our last chapter! Keep 'em coming!! It makes us feel special!!