Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

It's Your Move Babe

Once we got home and made our way upstairs we had settled down a bit. Our little adventure earlier was quite exhilarating.

When I went to open the door I realized it was locked. That meant more ‘alone time’ in my eyes.

I dug in my bag for the house key Georg gave me for these very occasions and opened the door.

Tom and I stepped into a darkened silent room. He flicked on the lights and we were indeed alone. But I’d check just incase.

“Georg? Bill? Gustav? Anybody home?” but I didn’t get an answer.

I felt Tom shake his arms around my waist from behind as his thought merged with mine.

“Alone at last.” he whispered into my ear before spinning me around to face him.

“Mhmm.” I press my lips to his and dropped my bags on the floor. This so going to happen.

I pushed his jacket from his shoulders and let it hit the floor as he backed me up to the couch. With his hand on the small of my back he leaned me over, gently placing me underneath him.

He ran his hands down my sides until he came to the bottom of my shirt. Our lips parted for mere seconds as he removed my top.

He kissed down my jaw line to my neck and from my collarbone down my chest. As if on queue my stomach growled just as Tom’s lips pressed lightly over it.

“Either your stomach doesn’t like me, or you’re hungry.” Tom smirked at me.

“No, I’m fine.” and he would have believed me if my stomach hadn’t growled a second time.

“Mhmm, sure. Let’s go eat.” he suggested as he stood getting off of me.

Damn my cursed stomach.

“Fine.” I sighed only making him slightly laugh.

“We’ll continue later. Promise.” he placed a small peck on my cheek as I reached for my shirt.

We walked hand in hand to the kitchen and I hoped up on the counter as he rummaged through the fridge. As I sat staring aimlessly around the room my eyes landed on a piece of paper at my side.

I picked it up to read the sketchy handwriting.

Last minute rehearsal. Come as soon as you get home. Leave Cerise there.

That little note just ruined the rest of my evening. I had half a mind to just ignore it and carry on with my business, but I wasn’t about to start shit with anyone. So…

“Tom…Georg left this note for you. I just found it.” I sighed as he took the note from my hand.

He read over it quickly, then his eyebrows where pulled together in the middle of his forehead.


“You’re telling me.” I pouted.

“Sorry babe. I’ll make it up to you later…” he leaned in to kiss me then spoke the last word against my lips, “…promise.”


About a half hour had past and I was just finishing the last of my pasta when I heard the front door open and close. I peeked around the corner from the kitchen and saw Bill kicking off his shoes.

“Home already?” I asked as he joined me in the kitchen.

He answered with a small kiss on my mouth and smiled. My eyes went wide; I thought the others would be inside any second.

“Don’t worry it’s just me.” He said engulfing me in a hug.

“Oh good.” I mentally rolled my eyes. “I thought there was a last minute rehearsal or something.”

“There was. I got finished early and Georg figured it’d be better to join you here instead of wait there.” he smiled down at me.

“I couldn’t agree more!” I returned his smile.

Like Tom earlier, Bill laced his fingers with mine and led me down into the living room. We sat down on the couch and continued watching whatever movie was playing when I turned it on earlier.

He pulled me close to him putting his arm around my waist.

I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly I could do to get Bill to loosen up. The thought of sex wasn’t working. He didn’t even act like he wanted to be alone with me. Know that I think about it, Georg had made him come home.

This didn’t make me very thrilled but I refused to let that stop me from having a good time.

I turned toward Bill and started kissing his jaw line and tried to move down to his neck before he stopped me.

“What are you doing, Cerise?”

“Can’t I kiss you?” I asked innocently.

“Ja, but not like that…not now.”

“Why not?!” I raised my voice.

“Two reasons. One; the guys could be home any minute, we don’t want them to know right?” he questioned.


“Two; its not the right time in our relationship for this. It’s been like three days.” he exclaimed.

“So, I can’t show some affection after three days?!” this boy was getting on my last nerve.

“Sure you can…just not like that.” he stated calmly.

“Oh my God!” I jumped up off the couch. “I thought you had a dick!” and then I left a very confused looking Bill sitting alone where he belonged.

Maybe this wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
God she is such a bitch.
Poor Billa ~_~

Thanks to all my readers and to murder.muse, blueeyedisaster, gidjet363, HalfPastGone, x.different.x and sherbetsi for commenting my last chapter.