Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Let's Walk Shall We?

Tom had only left me 20 minutes earlier and still I wanted him here as if I’d been alone a decade. I’d had such a great night with him, I only wished it could have been carried out till morning…a later morning than it was now.

The sun was just breaking over the horizon, leaving streaks of gold in an endless night sky, the stars disappearing into a sherbet colored morning. The more sensitive part of me wanted to share this with him.

I figured it was far too early to get up and wonder around the house. I didn’t want to wake anyone and cause them their grumpy moods. So I lay there thinking to myself as the early morning rays of sun licked across my skin, pushing me back into a restful sleep.


I woke hours later to a much harsher sun beating down on my face. I rolled to my side, pondering what events might take place today. I wasn’t to sure about the later events, but for now all I needed was a shower.

After Shower

I towel dried my hair as I walked down the hall stopping only to throw the towel in the laundry room. One thing I loved about my hair, I almost never had to straighten it. Sure I had those few choice days where I’d have to correct a few waves, but who doesn’t?

I entered the kitchen and was greeted by smiling faces. All different types of course. Georg’s was brotherly yet oblivious just as it should be. Bill’s was a little skeptical, but soon grew as I assured him we’d made amends. Tom’s of course was goofy-happy because we’d just had another night of amazing sex. The only one that concerned me was Gustav’s. It was a good smile but very fake. Like he was only smiling out of courtesy. There was something going on beneath the surface, but I didn’t press the matter. He was an intelligent person so I just figured he had something more important on his mind.

I hoped up on the counter next to Georg. He was at the stove cooking.

“What’s for breakfast cousin?” I smiled at him.

“French toast. You do like French toast right?”

“Of course. I love anything you can cover in syrup!” I stated which resulted in the twins snickering to themselves. I just rolled my eyes as I actually processed the thought of either one of them covered in the sticky substance.

I hoped off the counter and joined the guys at the table. I wasn’t quite sure what Bill was talking about; he was speaking very fast and talking animatedly with his hands. He was trying to explain something — I think about an upcoming concert; not theirs — to Gustav who seemed just as excited so I tried starting up my own conversation with Tom.

“Hey Tomibear. How’s it goin’?” I asked giggling at my new found nickname.

“Tomibear?” he raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

“Yes. It’s not negotiable. Now how are you?” I laughed.

“I’m good. You?” he smiled and my breath caught in my throat as he unexpectedly ran his foot up my leg. I tried to ignore it but he didn’t stop till I cocked my eyebrow and glanced toward Georg. Then he finally pulled away.

“Anyway, I’m doing well this morning.” I smiled.

“Good.” he looked disappointed, but not with me.

“What’s up? Any plans for the day?” I asked casually so not to have the others question my concern.

“I do actually. Our friend Andreas broke his leg last week and Bill and I and a few other friends offered to sort of care for him. So we all alternate…” he explained.

“And today is your day?” I tried not to look too bummed.

“Yea, and Bill gets him tomorrow.” he half smiled, but that was enough of a green light for me.

“Oh that’s cool, and really nice of you guys.” I smiled understandingly.

“Yea. But I’ll be back around seven. I have to stay till his mom gets home.” he chuckled slightly.


Tom and I worked out a little plan so that I could see him off privately. He left his wallet sitting on the coffee table and I just so happen to notice it after he left and ran out after him.

I was now standing inside the elevator holding tightly to tom as he kissed my neck. The doors slid open and he said his goodbye before I returned back to our flat.

I walked in and sat down on the couch in between Bill and Gustav. They were watching some sitcom I’d never heard of and couldn’t even understand. Bill was completely sucked in, Gustav…not so much. Georg was showering.

“What is this?” I asked Gustav knowing I wouldn’t get an answer out of Bill.

“I haven’t the slightest clue. But it’s completely ridiculous.” Gustav said plainly. He must have been as bored as I was.

“I can see that.” I chuckled.

Gustav suddenly came to life and had a spark of something in his eye.

“Hey, I’m gonna go for a walk. You wanna come?” he asked as he stood from the couch.

“Yea sure. Why not?!” I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha h e's about to get her alone.
O_O whats gonna happen?!

Thanks to all my readers and to murder.muse., StraightUp_Hustler, gidjet363 and Sing.A.Riot for commenting my last chapter.