Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

The Truth?

We decided on walking around the block a bit then down the street to the park. It wasn’t a long walk which I was thankful for because frankly I was too sore to walk very far.

We just small-talked all the way there then came to rest at a bench near a playground.

We gazed at the small children for a while before Gustav spoke.

“So, how do you like it here so far?”

“It’s really nice. A lot better than I thought. Plus the people here are nice.” I nudged his side at that last part.

“Yea…some more than others.” he mumbled.

“Uh-oh…does that mean that there are really mean people here or something?” I questioned slightly confused by his statement.

“Umm, not exactly.” he almost looked guilty of something. I wasn’t sure why.

“Ok…what does it mean then?” I was honestly curios now.

“Well, that some are nicer than others.” he said.

“And that’s bad…why?”

“When they’re too nice. And when it’s…Tom.” he said slowly then turned to look at me.

My heart stopped in my chest. I didn’t know what to say. Was he accusing me or just ‘warning’ me? Shit!

“Tom?” I questioned as innocent as possible.

“Yea. He just…has a way with girls. I don’t know. But I see it whenever he’s around you. He’s got a thing for you.”

“Me? Really? Why?” I questioned, honestly knowing every answer.

“Yea. I don’t know, I’m not Tom. All I know is Georg won’t like it. There isn’t anything…going on…between you and Tom…is there?”

Shit, shit, shit!

“What? No, I don’t even think of him like that. I don’t think of any of you like that. You’re all like brothers to me.” God, please buy that.

“Well, even so, I know Tom…and everything he’s doing points to him liking you. I’d just watch it if I were you.” he said cautiously.

“What do you mean?”

“That Tom is very cunning. He always gets what he wants. If you don’t feel for him in that way then you better make that clear to him, and quick. Otherwise he’ll just become more attached.” he explained.

“Oh…I see. If he presses the matter I’ll be sure to tell him it’s not like that with me.” I lied. Poor Gussi, trying to look out for me. Sure he was trying to get into my business, but it was sweet of him…he’s so naïve.

“Good. Yea if you were to date either of the twins, Bill would be a better pick. He’s not a dick like Tom.” he stated flatly

Well he had one thing straight so far. There was nothing ‘dick’ about Bill. I got it all from Tom.

“Well, like I said, you’re all like brothers, so…no worries.” I smiled.

“Yea.” he managed to smile.

“Let’s head home. I’m getting hungry.” I suggested and we both left the park and started our short walk home.

That was a close call. I was going to have to tell Tom to lessen up in public. He was sure to get us caught. But I had more to hide than Tom…a lot more.
♠ ♠ ♠
What a little liar xD
How many ppl think Gustav really believes her?

Thanks to all of my readers and to murder.muse.,blueeyedisaster, Sing.A.Riot, gidjet363, x.different.x, CascadeX Riddles and Loved_Yet_Unwanted for commenting on my last chapter.