Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

In Hushed Tones


I sat next to my best friend on his couch watching whatever it was he found. Fact was, I wasn’t even paying attention to the TV. I was to busy thinking about Cerise. And no, not in a sexual way. I really was starting to like her.

Sure at first I only agreed to this whole thing because she was so willing to let me have any part of that rockin’ body, no questions asked. Like hell I’d pass that up.

But now, now I find myself not wanting to leave her in the morning. I wanted to hold her all through the night, then watch the sun rise and shine off of her perfect ivory skin.

But she wanted to keep us a secret for Bill’s sake. Sure he was more emotional than me, but I’m sure he’d get over it and be happy I actually found someone for myself. Someone that could actually become long term.

She’s just so kind, not wanting him to be upset. She wanted them to remain friends. I guess I could hold out for her, if that’s what she really wanted.

But for how long? I mean, to me it didn’t even look like Bill was that interested. Of course he could be hiding his feelings from Georg. And for good reason. Georg could get crazy when it came to family.

I just hope that once she does finally convince Bill that they’re just friends that it’ll be ok to tell people about us. And I hoped that Georg would understand that it was for real on my part. She wasn’t like the other girls. That was for sure!

I was then pulled out of my thoughts by Andreas’ front door opening and closing. I heard keys being set on the entry way table and guessed his mother was home. I was then proved right when she walked into the room, grocery bag in one arm and her purse in the other.

“Thanks for hanging out Tom. It means a lot to me, not having to worry about Andi too much.” she smiled appreciatively at me.

“Oh, no problem. It’s actually nice to see him every once in a while.” I said while standing.

“Will Bill be visiting tomorrow?”

“He will.” I confirmed.

“Great. Well I’ve got to put these groceries away. Will you be staying for dinner Tom?” she asked.

“Nein vielen Dank. Georg sort of made ‘family’ plans.” I chuckled hoping she couldn’t see through the lie. Truth is, I just wanted to get home to my girl.

“Oh, alright then. You have a good night then. And thanks again.”

“No problem. Gute Nacht guys.”

“Gute Nacht Tom. See ya later.” Andreas said from the couch.

I let myself out and got into my car and headed home. Only thinking of Cerise and the night to come. Hey, I’m only human.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay guys!
I have a family member in the hospital, so i have't had time to write much.
Damn, what do you think about Tom's involment NOW?!

Thanks so much to my readers and to x.different.x, gidjet363, CascadeX Riddles and murder.muse. for commenting my last chapter.