Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?


After I got home from my walk with Gustav I immediately showered and tried to relax a bit. I mean, seriously, I was almost caught. I was a little on edge at the moment.

Before retiring to my room for the night I ate some pizza with the guys and chatted a bit. I was about to lie down but a knock at the door caused me to turn and walk back across the room.

I opened it up to Bill and he glanced down the hall quickly before leaning and pressing his lips to mine. It came as a complete shock at first, but I gladly invited him in.

He only stayed for about 5 minutes; he was worried that the others would realize he was missing, so he left me with a kiss before I returned to my bed. I have to admit; although Bill wasn’t about sex I still got this weird twinge in my stomach whenever he kissed me.

I had started falling asleep when I heard a faint knock at my door.

“Come in.” I slurred out sleepily knowing it was more than likely Tom.

Sure enough he came inside and quietly closed the door. After taking off his hat and jacket he slid his shoes off and padded across the floor until he reached the edge of my bed.

“Hey you.” he said as he sat down next to me. “How was your day?”

“Boring,” I laughed softly, “Yours?”

“Hmm, it was ok. Could’ve been better.” He leaned down and softly kissed my lips.

“Agreed.” ok, so I wasn’t very talkative when I was sleepy, but who is?

“So, anyone found us out today?” he asked jokingly, trying to tease me. Then I remembered Gustav and shot straight up in bed almost smacking my face against Tom’s.

Fully awake now, I began to talk.

“Actually, Gustav asked me if there was anything going on between us.” his eyes widened and I went on telling him the rest of the conversation.

“Holy hell, he can be right on sometimes.”

“Yea, so you’re gonna have to try and keep your distance around the guys, ok.” I told him.

“Ugh, but it’s so hard…” he wined, and then glanced up at me coyly.

“Now is so not the time to be thinking of your dick. This is serious.” I said jokingly.

“What, my dick isn’t important to you?” He laughed, but I only started at him blankly. “OK, ok. I’ll try to keep my distance.” he smiled.

“Good. Now onto other business.” I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him onto me as I lay back down in my bed.

I felt him hot body pressing firmly against mine and started prying his clothes off. I need the contact. Honestly, once you feel that hot, smooth and chiseled skin rubbing up against you, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

He was already working on his pants, and stood from the bed for a second to pull them off. Now, fully naked and in all his glory, he crawled back up to me and pulled my camisole off. Then went the panties.

Remember that contact? Oh yea! Skin to skin, rubbing, grinding, massaging. Petting, licking, kissing and caressing. I got it all. We went at it all night long. But then as morning came, he was off again, just as fast as our clothes had been hours before.

Sometimes I wished it was all real. But really, when there’s a two for the price of one special, are you really gonna pass it up? I think not!
♠ ♠ ♠
Finaly, I know.
Yes, its short, the sex could have been better. I could have given more detail.
Blah blah blah...
I had to get this outta the way cuz the next one is like HOT DAMN

Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, murder.muse., PoorLittleLostGirl, Monster-Kermit, forever caroline, pansyxlivesxon and purplejes 197 for the lovely comments.

I want a bunch more comments ppl.
you want a chapter, I want comment.s
seems fare enough, right? :]