Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Can't Let You Go

Bill’s POV

I had been at Andreas’ for around 4 hours now, and it was no where near time to leave. I mostly just sat around watching TV with him after we caught up on the latest whatever with each other.

I kept thinking about Cerise. She seemed happy most of the time, and I hoped that I had a lot to do with that. We weren’t very intimate, which seemed to bother her most of the time. But I had explained that it just wasn’t time for that.

I thought most girls liked that about their boyfriends; that they weren’t being pressured into having sex or anything like that. But its like the tables had turned and she was trying to pressure me.

Should I just sleep with her to make her happy? I mean, I don’t want to loose her over something to stupid. She said that it was the strongest way to bond with someone, but I always believed it should be about love.

Do I love her? I have no idea… I’d never given it a lot of thought. I know I care about her, more than anything at this point. But does that mean I have to prove it with sex?

I was so confused. I want to stick to my gut instincts and listen to my head and my heart. I know I’m not ready for sex with her.

I think she’s just going to have to wait.

But how long will she wait? Long enough I hope. Because when it does happen, I want it to mean something. And then, maybe she’ll realize that the wait was well worth it.

When I hugged her goodbye this morning she seemed happy enough, not that I was leaving, but with me in general. I hope I was right about her. Sometimes Gustav looked her as if she were a child that had just written on the wall and blamed it on another, I wasn’t sure if he just didn’t like her or if hadn’t warmed up to her yet.

I sat and thought hard about everything for some time longer and decided that I wasn’t going to give into her, and that she’d just have to do with what I offered her.

I prayed it was enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, its short.
But I had to get Bill's feelings in there so everyone knows how badly he'll be hurt when she fucks up.

Thanks to all my readers and to murder.muse., gidjet363, x.different.x and pansyxlivesxon for commenting my last chapter.

More comments my lovelies :]