Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Question the Swelling Knots I

Tom’s POV

The guys and I went down stairs with the girls to Samantha’s SUV and began unloading boxes. I conveniently walked next to Madeline so that we could continue talking, even though we didn’t say much.

“So…how long have you lived here?” I asked.

“Uh, probably half my life.” I gave her a confused look and she continued. “Amelia and I were born in France but moved here when we were four. Then at thirteen we moved back for family. Just last year we decided to move back, since we could without parental consent.”

“So how old are you now?”

“Nineteen, and you?” she asked.

“Same. When is your birthday?”

“November 3rd. Why?”

“Just wondering whether Bill and I were older.” I stated with a smile.

“Well, are you?” she glanced sideways at me as we made our way back to the elevator. She and I were waiting for it to come back down since the others had crammed themselves inside before we got there. Not that we would have fit well anyway.

“Ja, our birthday is September 1st. So we’re two months and two days older.” I smiled brightly. “Who’s older, you or Amelia?”

“Amelia, by four and a half minutes. And she never lets me forget it.” she laughed to herself.

“Ja, I’m older than Bill by ten minutes. I hold it over his head as well. I guess it’s just that one thing to slightly differ us.” I tried to explain, but didn’t really need to. I guess being a twin you understand a lot more about other twins that most people can’t relate to.

“Oh I know what you mean. With Amelia and I it’s that she is way more open and louder than I am. As you can probably tell.” she gestured just down the hall at her sister as we stepped out of the elevator. She was walking back from Samantha’s room with Bill and Gustav at her side and talking very loud and animatedly.

“Yea, I see.” I laughed.

“You might wanna keep it down Lia. You’re gonna get arrested.” she jokingly said to Amelia.

“Oh, yea. Right.” she rolled her eyes then laughed and smiled brightly. She also had a nice smile, but it didn’t feel the same as Madeline’s. I know what you’re thinking. You can’t feel a smile. Wrong, I felt Madeline’s all the way down in the pit of my stomach.

“Lia?” I questioned to start a new topic. I didn’t want this conversation to flatten.

“Yea. I call her either Amy or Lia since they’re both similar to Amelia. And she either calls me Madie or Lynn.” she smiled.

“That’s cool. When Bill and I were little we referred to each other as Tomi and Billa.” I stuffed my hands in my pockets after I set my box down and we turned to head back down stairs.

“Awe, that’s sweet.”

“Yea. So…where is it that Samantha is moving from?” I asked hoping to in turn find out where she lived.

“The three of us all lived in the apartments across town. Her lease was finally up so she found this place here and liked it. Mine and Amelia’s lease is up at the end of the month and we’ll be moving in with her.” she told me as we made the ride down stairs.

“Oh really? That’s cool.” I smiled calmly, but inside I was doing kick flips and I wasn’t completely sure why.

“Yea.” she was leaning in the back of the SUV to grab another box when she hit her forehead on the edge of the open door. She pulled back and immediately grabbed her forehead, bending over in pain.

“Mein Gott! Are you alright?” I rushed to her side.

“Oh Dieu. Je ne sais pas, cela blesse vraiment.” She whined out, still holding her head. *Oh God. I don't know, that really hurt.

“What?” I asked confusedly.

“Oh, sorry about that.” she said now standing to face me, her hand still on her forehead. “I said I wasn’t sure. That really hurt.”

“Here, let me see.” I reached up to her hand and tugged at it slightly. She pulled it away to show me.

“Ooo,” I cringed. “That’ll be purple soon. And you already have a good sized knot. Follow me; I’ll get you some ice.” I hadn’t realized ‘til now that my hand was on the side of her face and I was brushing her bangs out of her face with my thumb. I dropped my hand and motioned for her to follow me.

“Merci.” she said again in her timid voice.

“No problem.”
♠ ♠ ♠
SO SORRY for the delay.
ive been SO sick this past week and then busy once i got better =/
but here it is, part one of this chapter.
What do you guys think?

Thanks to my excellent faithful readers and to murder.muse., forevercaroline, gidjet363, Cyren's Vengeance, Monster-Kermit, x.different.x, pansyxlivesxon and purplejes197 for being super outrageous and commenting my last chapter.

More comments Lovelies!!!