Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Question the Swelling Knots II

Cerise’s POV

Call me a child, or immature or whatever else you can think of. But those bitches were going to ruin my plan. Those boys are mine. No where did I say go ahead and just fuck my boyfriends. I was going to have to set them in place if they didn’t find it on their own.

I know they weren’t the ones moving in; they were just helping their friend…what’s-her-face. She was fine in my book; I could see she had a thing for Georg so whatever. But by being her friends they’d be over a lot, I’m almost sure of it.

And now they were all out there helping those girls instead of in here watching this movie with me. Gah!

Well, I guess it was Georg’s idea for them all to help, and it might have looked weird for Tom and Bill to just refuse to help. But still, those damn bitches better keep there distance or-

“Just right through here.” I heard my head and saw Tom leading one of those damn twin bitches in.

“What’s going on?” my voice was like ice.

That bitch ass dog follow Tom into the kitchen as he answered me. “Madeline hit her head on the back of the car. I’m getting her some ice before it swells anymore.” I hear him going threw the freezer.

Damn stupid bitch, she couldn’t even go near a car without bashing her damn head. Serves her right.

I got up and walked top the kitchen and leaned against the wall.

Madeline stood there with a bad of ice on her head and Tom was staring intently at her.

“You’re sure you’re ok?” he asked. I rolled my eyes drastically.

“Yea, just a bit of a headache.” she said timidly as she glanced in my direction.

I faked a nice big smile at her. “You might want some aspirin for that.” I said coldly.

“What if she has a concussion?” Tom looked at me questioningly. All the more reason to take it, I thought. “She’ll be fine.” I huffed and walked to the cabinet.

“I’d rather not chance it.” he said and I turned to glare at him. Madeline stared between the both of us and I knew she was uncomfortable but I didn’t really give a shit.

I turned to look at Madeline with a very annoyed expression painted on my face. “How about since you’re the one with the headache you decide. You want one or not?” I said shaking the bottle of Advil in my hand.

“Umm…” she glanced back at Tom who was glaring at me. “I’m fine. But thank you, I appreciate it.” she smiled at me. Dumb ass.

“Whatever.” I threw the bottle back in the cabinet and walked out of the kitchen heading toward the hall.

“Could you excuse me?” I heard Tom say, and then he started to follow me.

He caught up to me and grabbed my arm to spin me around.

“What the hell Cerise. What wrong?” he looked at me confusedly.

“What’s wrong? You shouldn’t even have to ask. I thought you cared about me,” I said and he stepped back a bit in defense. I looked toward the kitchen. “I can see I was wrong.

“You’re crazy.” he muttered.

“For thinking you should care about your girlfriend? I thought we had something.” she shouted.

“Have! But maybe I thought wrong about you. I thought it was love. But I guess the feeling isn’t mutual.” he said and stormed off.

Ok what the fuck just happened? I slammed my door and went to my bed a flopped down. Why the hell would he think this thing was ever about love? I wanted sex!! That’s it. God he’s just as stupid as her. She still can’t have him though.

Tom’s POV

I can’t believe she’d pull that crap. Like I can’t just be nice to our soon to be new neighbor. For god sake she hit her head. What was I supposed to do? Brush it off?

I walked back into the kitchen and Madeline stood from a chair at the table and look at me cautiously.

“Sorry you had to deal with that.” I said glaring back down the hall.

“It’s ok.” she said smally.

“Nein. She needs to learn to be nicer to people she’s never met.” I shook my head in distaste.

“She’s your girlfriend?” she asked.

I snorted in disgust. “If you can call that a girlfriend. She is so odd, I don’t even know anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a long story,” I rubbed the back of my neck, “I’ll tell you another time.”

“Tomorrow?” she suggested. I looked confused. “We’ll be back with more boxes tomorrow.”

“Oh. Umm, sure. Why not.”

“Ok. Well I guess we better get back out there.” she said and handed me the bag of ice. “Merci.”

“Sie sind willkommen.” I smiled and walked over in front of her after I set the bag in the sink. I brushed her hair aside again. “It looks better.” I drug my thumb slowly across her forehead, but dropped my hand quickly. This was all too much for one day.

My ‘girlfriend’ at her own convenience, was being a bitch, and now I think I have a thing for the new girl. Gah!

I walked Madeline downstairs after finding out that’s where everyone else was. She quickly explained the knot to Amelia before she could panic and then they all piled into the SUV. Georg promised our help again tomorrow and I saw Madeline glance at me through the back seat window.

♠ ♠ ♠
and Cerise is still a bitch

Thanks to my readers and to murder.muse., gidjet363, pansyxlivesxon and forevercaroline for commenting my last chapter.

More Coments Lovelies!!