Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Hopefully Hopeless

Tom’s POV

Last night before bed Cerise came to me trying to make amends. She’d said she let her jealousy get the best of her and she didn’t mean to be rude in front of Madeline. She seemed honestly sorry about upsetting me and I hugged her to show my acceptance. She leaned her head up to kiss me and I obliged her with a small peck on the lips before telling her I was going to bed.

When I had released her and turned to my own bed she had looked at me with utter disgust and I have to admit I was somewhat confused. She’d said, ‘What the hell. That’s it?’, and I questioned her meaning asking what else there was. She looked at me as if I was the dumbest person on the planet. She’s mentioned something about me showing her just how much I cared. I’d thought about saying how I’d tried that earlier what with our shower scene and after wards with my shirt, but I knew what she meant. She wanted sex.

‘Is that the only reason you made up with me? In hopes that I’d fuck you…again?’ I was honestly upset, and starting to believe that that’s all this relationship would ever amount to. She gave me a look as if it was only too obvious that that’s what she wanted. I told her that I was going to bed alone. I was a little tired from being with her earlier and then helping out the girls with the boxes of Samantha’s belongings. She looked at me in complete shock before turning and storming out of my room. She even looked pissed that she couldn’t slam my door for fear that it would ‘blow our cover’.

Last night was just plain awful. I went to sleep pissed and woke up this morning with a migraine. Three Advil and four hours later I was physically feeling better, but was honestly emotionally hurt and mentally fatigued.

It was 2:23pm and the girls would be here any minute. I was kind of anxious for them to come today. Not so much to help — not that it bothered me any — but more because I had promised to explain mine and Cerise’s situation to Madeline and I was hoping that she might have some clue or even advice for me.

Speaking of, Cerise had come up with some lame excuse about her sleeping on her back wrong and not being able to help out today. Not like I really cared; I didn’t want to see much of her at this moment anyway.

There was a knock at the door and I slightly jumped up to answer it. I opened it up to three smiling faces, one slightly brighter at a bit more flushed than the others.

“Hallo ladies.” I smiled kindly at them, “Come on in. The guys are just inside the kitchen.”

“Thanks.” Samantha said walking in a head of Madeline and Amelia.

I called for the guys and they all entered the living room smiling welcomingly to each of the girls.

Madeline stood back slightly from the others and was almost at my side. She turned to greet me personally with a smile that made my heart stop.

“Bonjour. How are you today?”

I chuckled slightly at her French, loving how she used it freely whether I knew it or not. It was kinda how it was with me and the guys.

“I’ve been better.” I half heartedly smiled.

She frowned with a look of concern painted in her eyes. “Why? What’s wrong?” She honestly sounded like she cared.

“Well, it goes along with the story I’ve promised you today. So I guess I should just start at the beginning.” I said, stuffing my hand into my pockets.

“Alright.” she said contentedly.

We both turned to Georg when he clapped his hands together twice. “Let’s do this!” he smiled and led the way out the door. Gustav walked with Bill and Amelia out into the hall and then Madeline in front of me as I closed the door behind us.

Everyone had continued walking to the elevator, but Madeline waited in front of me, hands joined at her waist with a faint smile playing at her lips.

I took a deep breath and got ready to explain my hellish relationship.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a bit of filler. Hope you like it nonetheless :]

Thanks to my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, pansyxlivesxon, Monster-Kermit and murder.muse. for commenting my last chapter. You gu make my world go 'round.

More comments Lovelies.