Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Empty Explainations

Tom’s POV

As Madeline and I went back and forth between Samantha’s car and her apartment I started from the beginning explaining how Cerise and I had gotten together and her asking to keep it a secret from everyone and continued on from there. I explained her drastic attitude changes and how she’d even freak out on Bill at times.

I didn’t want to tell her about yesterday afternoon but wanted answers. And things hadn’t really gotten bad ‘til then, so the story really wouldn’t make since if I hadn’t.

She listened attentively as I went on about how Cerise had come into the bathroom while I was showering and let herself in. I vaguely mentioned we’d had sex; that part wasn’t important. What I felt was happened after the fact. When I had wrapped her in a towel and led her to my room and placed her in one of my shirts.

Madeline’s expression at that point was one of completely adoration; she’d said that what I’d done was a romantic gesture stating her importance to me. And that’s what I’d thought. Then I repeated what Cerise had said, mimicking her bitchy tone.

Madeline’s eye’s about fell out of her head. “What?! She really said that to you?”

“Ja. I don’t know why either. I mean, I knew she’d have to take it off eventually, but…” I stopped, just thinking over it to myself.

“That’s completely not cool of her.” Madeline said smally.

“That’s not even the half of it. You heard her yesterday,” she nodded as I continued, “well last night I had gone to my room to sleep and she comes in to talk to me. She apologizes for what she said and how she acted and whatnot. I said thank you and then told her good night. She looked at me like I was the dumbest person she’d ever met, Madeline. Long story short, she was pissed because I was going to bed and not…well…you know, with her.” I finished with my hands in my pockets and my head looking down at the elevator floor.

“You’re kidding me! La chienne stupide ne vous mérite pas.” she said, clearly upset. *Stupid bitch doesn't deserve you.

“What?” I chuckled.

She looked up at me smiling slightly. “Sorry, I was saying that it isn’t fair.” she looked back down at her feet.

“I agree. What’s your opinion on the situation? And be honest, you won’t hurt my feelings; I already have an idea of my own, but I wanna hear what you think first.”

She looked like she was going over it in her head, trying to think of exactly how to say what she thought. Then we stepped out of the elevator and made or way out to Sam’s car.

“Well…I don’t want to sound hateful, or accuse her of anything…but to me it sounds like she’s just with you for the physical things.” she said quietly as we approached the back of the car.

“So just for sex basically.” I more stated then asked but she nodded her head anyway.

“I honestly hope I’m wrong, because no one deserves to be treated that way.” she half heartedly smiled.

“Yea, well I think you’re right. I kinda came to that conclusion last night. I don’t know though…like, I thought of just leaving her…but…”

“Easier said than done?” she offered.


She turned to the car and started to lean forward to reach for another box when I jokingly put my hand out in front of her face. She stood back up and turned to me questioningly.

“Rather my hand than your face.” I smiled. She just rolled her eyes and laughed as she pushed me playfully. I rubbed my side in mock pain as she retrieved the box from the car, continually laughing.

We walked back to the set of elevators and one was on its way down so we moved to the second one. “They guys must be coming down.” She muttered to herself.

Once inside the elevator I turned to Madeline, “So, what do you think I should do about Cerise?”

“Don’t ask me.” she laughed.

“Well I need an opinion, and like I said earlier; no one else knows about this. You’re the only person I have right now.” she held onto my eyes as I said that. I felt this twinge in my stomach as a small smile crept onto her face and she blushed slightly.

“If it were me, I’d probably try and talk to her. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance and the right to explain themselves.”

We stepped out of the elevator and began walking toward Samantha’s apartment. I glance over at my apartment door, knowing Cerise was in there. The feeling of hurt or guilt that I figured would overtake me never did. I can’t explain the almost empty feeling I got when I thought of her now.

Sure a part of me still loved her. A small part of her hidden away under a temper and jealousy coated in sexual desire. The part of her that just wanted to lay with me and stare out the window at the rising sun. But I had a bad feeling that it wasn’t going to be as easy to find that part of her anymore. I figure I more love what I wish she could be than her herself.

“Talk to her later, explain your feelings to her. If she really does love you, she’ll understand.” She smiled at me.

I nodded and returned the smile, thinking. ‘If she really does love you…’ The only problem was, I didn’t think she did.

We approached the open door to Sam’s and Madeline stopped right in front of me, causing me to run right into her back with the box I was holding. I looked down at her then followed her gaze to Sam’s living room.

I was in complete shock that soon faded into hysterics at what we’d just caught our best friends doing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the short delay
i hit a boring phase xD and didn't feel like typing.
But here you have it.

Thanks to my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, CasMcD, gidjet363 and murder.muse. for commenting my last chapter :]

More Comments Lovelies!!!!