Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

One Way or Another I'm Gonna Find You

Madeline’s POV

During the ride home I got to listen about how great Georg was, or how good looking he was, any and everything Sam had learned in the past two days. It was actually kind of cute… for the first ten minutes. Then I got to listen to Amelia ramble on about Bill and how reserved he was, but still sweet and witty. I could honestly feel the butterflies in her stomach when she thought of him and I knew she had a thing for him.

After pulling up to our apartment and heading upstairs we said our goodnights to Samantha and Lia and I headed inside. It was a fairly small two room flat with a living room and kitchen and a bathroom that connect our rooms. The one we’d move into with Sam was huge, but the three of us together could fortunately afford it.

We dropped our bags and coats at the door and slid out of our shoes letting the exhaustion of the weekend overtake us.

“I’m gonna go shower.” I heard as my twin amble down the hall to the bathroom.

I acknowledged her with a nod she couldn’t see and dropped into the couch. I pulled a small square pillow against my chest and hugged in beneath my chin. A red blinking light from across the room caught my attention before my eyes slid shut.

The answering machine stated that we had one message, luckily the cordless phone sat on the coffee table in front of me so I hardly had to move. After dialing the number and entering the security code as listened as the automated speaker reported the date and time of the message; today at 5:37pm. It was nearing 8:00pm now and I figured that whoever it was could wait another day depending on its importance.

Hey babe, it’s Shayne. Just callin’ to tell you I’m sorry I couldn’t spend time with you this weekend. I miss you honey, call me when you get free time. Bye.

I deleted the message and set the phone back on the coffee table grinning to myself. Sure there were times Shayne could be an ass, but I guess you gotta take the good with the bad, right? I’d been with Shayne almost a year now, and though we had rough times he usually made up for it in unforgettable ways.

Thinking of relationships made me question Cerise. Was she really in this ‘relationship’ for Tom or, like we thought, for the sex? I mean, I know I said you have to take the good with the bad, but in her case I wasn’t so sure. No oneespecially Tom should have to deal with that.

I sat there going over everything he’d told me about her and couldn’t help but think I’d heard it before. The story, and name, was all so familiar. I just couldn’t place it.

Just then Amelia walked back into the room and sat down beside me lifting my legs and placing them over her lap.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” she asked with a bit of lightness to her voice.

“Cerise.” I said plainly.

“She isn’t very nice is she?”

“Mmm. It’s not that so much I’m thinking of.” I responded.

“I didn’t think so. Spill, babe.” she smiled as she positioned herself so that she was facing me now; we were both sitting cross legged playing with the fringe on the pillow in between us.

I explained everything Tom had told me and made her swear not to repeat it; it wasn’t our business to spread, but she’s my twin so I had to tell her.

“Wow…I see what you mean. This has happened before, somewhere…” she sat looking off at nothing thinking aloud.

“I know right? And the name, Cerise. Where do I know that?” I said a little frazzled.

“Maybe we knew her in France.” Amelia joked, but that’s when it clicked.

“Yes! Cerise…umm, well I don’t remember her last name, but she dated Jean a year or so ago. Remember?” I exclaimed excitedly. Jean is our cousin that still lives in France. He might as well have been our brother.

“You’re right! I do seem to remember that being her name. But do you think it’s the same girl?” Amelia questioned.

“Only one way to find out.” I said as I made my way over to my computer and open up my instant messenger.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been a few days
i couldn't seem to consentrate very well lol

thanks to all of my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, Pansyxlivesxon, CassMcD, murder.muse., sherbetsi and purplejes197 for commenting my last chapter.

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