Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?


Brian’s Porsche was racing down the street about as fast as my heart was beating in my chest. I don’t know if I was nervous or anxious. I mean, I really don’t want to start any drama with Georg seeing as this is my first day living with him and the boys. And on the other hand I was just ready to have a party and erase my fathers memory with the bitter burning taste of alcohol.

As we pulled up to the party, I turned and got out of the car and took Brian’s hand in mine as we made our way inside. He knew he’d more than likely be getting lucky tonight, and I didn’t care because I wouldn’t remember it the next morning anyways.

Everyone inside stared at me as I walked in. The girls all looked envious and the guys just wanted to see what was under my skirt. “Cochons…” [pigs] I mumbled to myself.

I finally found the drinks and poured myself a nice tall glass of Rum n’ Coke. After downing it in less than 60 seconds I made my way the center of the dance floor and got the party started.


Georg and the guys had just gotten home, so he went to go check on Cerise and see if she was hungry.

“Cerise, are you awake?” Georg asked while knocking on the door. There was no answer so he went to open the door and it wouldn’t budge.

“Cerise! Cerise, open the door!” Georg was more forceful this time. But still there was no answer from the other side of the door.

Georg kicked in the door and to his dismay, the lifeless room sat there, not empty, but filled with the chill of the night. Georg knew that Cerise had snuck off. More than likely out somewhere drinking with a group of people she had never met.

He ran back into the living room and told the guys what was going on.

“She’s not in her room, and my guess is that she snuck out to a party. I doubt she would go too far off, but she’s had a serious drinking problem ever since her dad died. We have to find her!” It was obvious that Georg was in a panic.

“On the way home I saw a bunch of cars parked outside a few blocks over. It looked like a party…Should we check it out?” Bill was the first to make the suggestion.

“Yea that’s a good idea! Verdammen Sie es!! [damn it] I should have gotten her cell number before we left. It doesn’t matter now, lets go find her!” Georg and the guys rushed out of the apartment and back into their car. They probably broke every driving violation on the way over to the party.


I had only been at the party for at least an hour and I was completely wasted. I was sitting next to Brian on the couch listening to him try and coax me upstairs. He kept telling me he’d make it worth my while, but I was so incoherent that everything he said just went right through me.

I sat staring out the front window, where I had a pretty good view. I saw a very dark SUV race up to the house and stop rather abruptly as four boys jumped out in a heated race to the front door.

“Merde!” I slurred at the top of my lungs. I knew them, Georg and those guys I now lived with…they had found me. Of course I tried to get up and run from the room before they came inside, but my legs wouldn’t listen to me. They just stayed as they were, useless and immobile.

Georg busted in with the guys close behind. I could see it in their eyes. They were all livid. Not a word was said to me, not that I would have understood if any were. Tom helped Georg pick me up off the couch and lead me to the car. They set me in the back seat between Bill and Gustav. Tom raced back to the apartments, barely even stopping for red lights.

Once we arrived back home, I was escorted up to our flat and forced to sit on the couch and explain myself.

“What in the hell do you think you were doing? Do you have any idea what kinds of trouble you could have gotten into?! Not only are you drunk, but under aged!! If you got caught…and sneaking out!! You lied to me!! I take you in when you need family the most and you lie to my face and take me for granted!!” Georg had stopped to take a breath, So Tom started in.

“Not only that, but you were there with some guy who you just about let in your pants!! He looked a good five years older than you!!” Tom really did look disgusted, either that or jealous.

“I’m not wearing pants!” I smirked.

“Stop being such a smart ass!! You don’t have to like it here or like us, but you will respect us!” Bill wasn’t the type to yell, but I could see he was hurt by my actions. Gustav just sat and glared at me shaking his head.

“I’ll help you to your room, and you are to stay there until morning when we further discuss this! Understood?!” Georg lifted my off the couch and lead me to my room. Once inside I didn’t even bother changing, but just curled up into my bed and let the darkness take me over. Tomorrow wasn’t going to be fun

Georg closed my door and went back to the living room where he and the others sat silently pondering what to do next.
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