Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Learn Something New

Madeline’s POV

“What are you doing?” Tom asked me with a smile playing at his lips.

“Working…” I giggled.

“Well yea, I can see that.” he looked me over laughing slightly.

“What about you? Don’t you work?” I asked.

“Ja, I work.” I nodded.

“And what is it that you do?”

He cocked a brow at me. “Seriously? I thought you knew who I was…”

“Umm, Tom?” I laughed unsure at what he was getting at.

“Ja, Kaulitz. Tom Kaulitz.” I slowly shrugged my shoulders not understanding what relevance his surname had to the job he held. “The guitarist for Tokio Hotel.” he continued.

“Oh, you play guitar?” I asked more than stated, completely over looking the rest of his statement.

“You really don’t know me then?” he slightly chuckled.

“Should I?”

“Well you do live in Germany.” he laughed and I slightly blushed as I continued to stand there in utter oblivion. “Here, I’ll show you.” he said as he turned my laptop around and opened up a web page. He went on to YouTube and found a video and let it play as he turned it back around to me.

The video was of four boys, that just so happened to be my newest acquaintances, playing away at their instruments and Bill singing his heart out.

“Oh! You guys do that one song…the one with the umm, oh what is it? The…oh something Meere I think.”

“1000 Meere, ja that’s us.” he grinned. “You like the song?”

“Oui, it’s nice. Amelia likes the singer’s- well Bill I guess,” I stopped to chuckle, “she likes his voice. She’d die if she knew that she knew him without knowing him, if that made sense.” I rambled on.

“This is the most you’ve spoken in three days. If I didn’t know better I’d almost mistake you for Amelia.”

I looked down and could feel my face heating up as I blushed. “Sorry, I tend to ramble when I get excited, not that I’m completely excited or anything.”

“Mhmm, ok.” he laughed.

Almost as if a light bulb went off in my head, I figured out how to retrieve what information I needed from Tom.

“So, Kaulitz huh? That’s an interesting surname.” I hopped that didn’t sound as cheesy to him as it did to me.

“Oh really?” he smiled, “And why is that?”

“I don’t know.” I laughed, “What about the others? Are all of your surnames German?”

“Mmm I’m not sure about Georg; his is Listing, but Gustav’s is Schäfer. Why do you ask?” he questioned. He didn’t sound suspicious of me, just carrying on conversation.

“Just wondering. Mine and Amelia’s isn’t French; it’s Hill which I’d take to be English.”

“Oh, I wonder if Cerise’s is French?” he said mostly to himself but I took the opportunity and ran with it.

“Well what is it?” I asked calmly.

“Umm, I’m not sure how to say it…but it’s spelled like this…” he took a pen and notepad from the counter and wrote down her surname, then spun it around to face me.

My heart welled up in my throat and I was sure he’d hear it beating out. I wanted to vomit and was sure I was getting dizzy, but I couldn’t show that. Not now; I’d have to tell Amelia as soon as I got home.

“Kuniff. Oui, it’s French.” It was the same girl too, but I couldn’t mention that to him. Or could I? I didn’t know what to do with my new found information.

“Hmm, that’s cool I guess.”

“Mhmm. So, did you talk to her?” I asked trying to rid the dizziness that overtook me.

“Nein. I don’t even know what to say to her.”

I felt very hot all of a sudden and fanned myself, but in doing so I lost me balance and stumbled slightly.

“Whoa, are you alright?” Tom asked looking very concerned.

“I’m just dizzy is all.” I said quietly as I placed my palm on my forehead. I was burning up. Tom quickly reached across the counter and pushed his cool palm passed my own and held it there.

“You’re kinda warm. Maybe you’re getting sick?” he tried.

“No, I don’t think so…”

“What have you eaten today?”

“I had some toast this morning around 8:00” I stated.

“Well that’s probably it; you haven’t had anything to eat in six hours. When is your break?”

I chuckled slightly, “Whenever I want. I own this place.”

He smiled, “Good, I’m taking you out to lunch.”

I could have refused and told him I’d pick something up later or just have something delivered, but truth is I liked spending time with Tom. Just the two of us talking carelessly was nice. God knows Shayne never listens to a word I say; I needed to have an intelligent conversation with someone new for a change.

I grabbed the keys from the desk and Tom grabbed my jacket and met me at the front door. He stood behind me and slid the jacket up over my shoulders and in place before I locked the door and we left for lunch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my readers and to gidjet363, SarahBeth1369, Sei;Bella, x6GothicxGirl9x murder.muse. and Monster-Kermit for commenting my last chapter.

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