Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Missing In Action

Cerise’s POV

When I got up this morning —more like afternoon; I was tired— I noticed Tom was gone and none of the guys knew where he was. At least those damn twits weren’t over today, but I still got to hear all about little miss perfect Samantha. Ok, I didn’t have anything against her at this point because she was obviously after Georg, but still, it was getting really old. I think the others could pretty much agree with me on that aspect.

“Oh, and the way she wears her hair is just so…like...I don’t know but it’s awesome.” Georg said, for the third time today, and the rest of us just sighed and agreed hoping he’d shut up.

“And the twins are pretty nice too.” he said.

“That Amelia is something else.” Gustav said laughing and shaking his head.

“Yea, une chienne.” I muttered. *Yea, a bitch.

“Hmm, what was that Cerise?” he questioned.

“Oh, nothing. So….we should watch a movie or something.” I offered, hoping that if a movie was on the talking would stop.

“Ja! Tomb Raider is supposed to be on tonight.” Bill exclaimed excitedly.

“Sounds good to me.” Georg shrugged coming out of the kitchen coke in hand.

“Great, it comes on in,” he glanced up at the clock on the wall, “twenty-three minutes.”

“Seven o’clock then, hmm I wonder if Tom will be here to watch it.” Georg said mostly to himself.

“Were did he go anyway?” I asked acting as uninterested as possible.

“He didn’t say, just that he’d be gone a couple hours but wouldn’t be back late.”

“Didn’t he something about cleaning the inside of his car?” Gustav questioned no one in particular.

Bill shrugged, “Who knows. You wouldn’t think it could get any cleaner.” he rolled his eyes.

“Well he is practically married to the thing.” Gustav chuckled. Tom really did enjoy that car…hmm I guess if I ever get pissed enough with him I know where to release my anger.

We sat chatting idly for the next twenty minutes while waiting for the movie to come on. Georg had made popcorn as always and I’d grabbed a few drinks and brought them into the living room and set them on the coffee table.

I looked up to see Bill staring at me happily, a look of pure contentment on his face. I returned the smile and went back to the kitchen to grab one of the cookies Georg made earlier. They were those Toll House pre made ones you just had to pout on the cookie sheet and bake so I deemed them safe to eat.

I couldn’t believe these boys; both of them actually falling in love with me. I shook my head as I tried to suppress a giggle. I guess when it came down to it, if I had to actually date one it’d be Bill. He was more into the relationship scene and I could count on him to stick around. But seeing as this so isn’t about that I couldn’t care less.

I plopped down on the couch next to Gustav and he wrapped one arm around my shoulder pulling me into a sideways kind of hug. “Haven’t seen much of you lately. What’s going on in the life of Cerise?” he smiled as he released me from the hug.

“Not a lot, really. Just hanging out.”

“I was thinking of going on a walk again tomorrow. You up for it?” he asked.

“Sure, why not. I could use a nice long walk.” I smiled. I really did appreciate Gustav being one of the only sane people I lived with.

He smiled and turned to the TV as the movie came on. Just as the beginning credits began the door opened and in walked Tom.

“Hurry and sit down and you won’t miss anything.” Bill said to him.

Tom slipped off his jacket and shoes and looked over at the only available seat next to me. He hesitated and then turned to Bill saying, “You said I got the chair next movie.”

Bill looked at him and then over toward me, “Fine, take your chair.” he said as he got up and came and sat by me.

“Where were you anyway?” Gustav asked, his eyes not leaving the screen.

“Bookstore.” he answered flatly.

“Since when do you read?” Georg chuckled.

“Since Madeline owns a book store.” Gustav laughed and Tom smiled at him slightly. He was acting like I wasn’t even here, like it didn’t even matter.

“Madeline eh?” Bill smiled at him and they shared one of those obnoxious as fuck looks that only twins have. It was like they were having a conversation with their eyes.

I crossed my arms and focused on the screen ignoring everyone. They could all go to hell. Except Gustav…and Georg; he never did anything wrong. And I guess Bill’s ok too, but tom and those damn twins were on a first class trip to hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my readers and to LinnyLou, murder.muse., x6GothicxGirl9x, Caeca.invidia.est and gidjet363 for commenting my last chapter.

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