Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Doesn't Share Well With Others

Cerise’s POV

After the movie had finished everyone retired to their rooms for the night claiming they were bored or tired. Gustav told me that he wanted to leave around 11:00am for our walk and to make sure that I had enough rest. Georg was in his room doing god knows what, but we’d keep it between the two of them. I don’t want to know what it is he does to keep himself so happy.

Bill was online checking out forums in his room while he waited for Tom to get out of the shower. I too was waiting for him to finish in there; I planned on giving him another piece of my mind.

After another 10 minutes or so I heard the bathroom door open and then a door down the hall close; Tom must be out of the shower. I waited until I heard Bill go into the bathroom before I went to Tom; their rooms were right next to each others and I didn’t want to chance Bill hearing us talking.

I was going to knock but decided that he wasn’t worthy of it at this point, so I just grabbed a hold of the knob and pushed the door open. He spun around to face me and his shocked expression faded into one of annoyment.

“Must you do that?” he spat at me.

“Come and see you?” I asked with a mock-hurt expression.

“Ugh, can’t you at least knock? Really, it’s not unheard of you know.” he rolled his eyes and turned toward his bed picking up his black plaid flannel bottoms and put them on.

After closing the door I walk to the center of the room and folded my arms over my chest.

“What now Cerise? I really don’t want to hear you bitch about me being gone all day.” he said not even looking at me.

“Well excuse me for wanting my boyfriend to be around me instead of that little-”

“Little what?” he cut me off.

“That’s not the point. You are supposed to want to be around me!” I said between clinched teeth.

“Just playing by your rules, babe.” he fake smiled.

“What rules?!”

“The ones where you said this had to be kept a secret, and that I had to keep my distance from you in public. You don’t want the guys to know so I can’t be around you during the day.” he shot at me and wanted to cram every word back down that gorgeous throat of his.

“Well if you like abiding by the rules, here’s a new one for ya’. Stay way from that bitch before I make you.” I seethed.

“You? Make me?” he laughed and then his face abruptly changed into one of hatred. “I would love to see a broken little girl like you try it.”

Excuse me?!” I wanted to scream at him.

“Just because your world fell apart doesn’t give you the right to be like you are. So what if I’m friends with Madeline, I loved you before she came along. And anytime I tried to express it, it was never good enough for you. You always wanted more, or not what I had to offer. You can’t pick and choose the pieces of me you want. This,” he gestured to himself, “is a package deal. Take it or leave it.”

I just stared at him not knowing what to say. I was so upset, no pissed, no even more than that, I outright infuriated with him that I couldn’t think of anything but to start swinging. But I didn’t; I just stood there staring at him, trying to burn wholes through his face.

He was honestly asking me to take him as he was. I don’t want him like that, why can’t he see that?

“Nothing to say?” he cockily asked.

“Fuck you!” I said and turned to leave the room.

“I always knew it was only about sex.” I heard him say just as I closed the door. I had half a mind to go back in there and beat his ass but I just kept walking to my room.

I had just passed the bathroom door when I heard it click open and I turned to see Bill stepping out, clad in only as towel. At that point sex was all I wanted. And if Tom wouldn’t give it to me I’d just have to get it somewhere else.

“Cerise wha-” I cut him off as I smashed my lips against his, thrusting my tongue in his mouth to shut him up. I back down the hall to my door and opened it from behind me. Once I had him pulled inside I closed the door and locked it.

I twisted my fingers into his wet black hair and shoved him onto me more. I felt him give in slightly as his hands rested on my hips. I reached down to start unwrapping the towel to claim my prize.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dun DUN!

Thanks to my readers and to Trinie, Monster-Kermit, SarahBeth1369, murder.muse, gidjet363 and sherbetsi for commenting my last chapter.

More comments Darlings!