Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

No More Games

Cerise’s POV

I tucked my fingers under the front of the towel wrapped low on his hips working to remove it. Bill suddenly stopped kissing me and his hand rushed down to stop me from revealing him.

“What are you doing?” he asked confusedly.

I smiled softly, trying to hide my annoyance at his shallowness, before answering, “What’s it look like, silly?”

“Cerise.” he sighed and dropped his head.

“What?” I asked as if I really had no idea what the problem was. However, I did; he was a pussy.

“Not now. You know how I feel about-”

“No, Bill. I don’t know how you feel. You never get close to me; don’t you care about me at all?” I snapped, turning my fatigue into a look of honest hurt.

“Sweetie, you know I care. More than anything.” he cooed and reached up to stroke my cheek. I had half a mind to swat his hand away but didn’t.

“Then why can’t you just do this? For me.” I whined. God, how I wished I could make myself cry.

“Because, Cerise. It’s not right. Not now anyway.”

“Why?” I said letting a little anger seep through.

“This should be about love.”

I let my face fall into a look of pure shock and my eyes went wide. “You don’t…love me?”

I could see him scrambling to fix what he’d said.

“No, no-”

“No!?” I cried out softly.

“That’s not what I meant. I only meant that we should make sure that’s what we feel before doing something like that.” He explained, trying to sooth me. He really did think I was panicking over this. Pathetic.

I looked down at the floor trying to seem fully offended and hurt.

He sighed before saying, “I’m not Tom, Cerise.”

My breath caught in my throat and now I didn’t have to fake my emotions. I was panicked. My head snapped up to meet his gaze and he looked hesitant.

“What?” I asked smally.

“I’m not like him. With him…well, I love him with everything in me, but I don’t always agree with the things he does. He sleeps with a lot of different women without a second look.” he explained and I wanted to tell him he was wrong about that; we’d slept together countless times. He continued saying, “With Tom it’s never about love; he doesn’t solely believe in having one companion.”

Again I wish I could speak my mind in say that he was wrong about it not being about love with him; he said he loved me. Yet he agreed with him saying that Tom didn’t believe in one companion; he was out with that little twit today. God only knows what [ithey’re doing together. Still, I sat and listened to Bill babble on.

“I want to love only you. I don’t know what I feel at this point, but trust me, you’ll be the first to know.” he said as he leaned in a placed a small kiss on my forehead. “Please don’t be angry.”

“No, why would I be angry. I just thought my boyfriend and I were on the same page here.” I said shortly.

“Cerise…” he sighed honestly looking pained.

“No Bill. I thought we felt the same way about each other. But I see now that I was wrong. I know how I feel, but until you figure out what the hell you want just leave me alone.” I said and turned away hoping my little guilt trip would change his mind.

“Cerise, plea-”

“No! Just leave.”

I was expecting him to be as stubborn as his thick headed twin, but no. I heard the door open and close softly and turned around to an empty room.

Was he serious?! My god, what a baby! Maybe he isn’t ready for sex; he’s far too childish. But whatever, I’ll get to him eventually.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my reades and to Trinie, x6GothicxGirl9x, murder.muse., pansyxlivesxon, gidjet363, sherbetsi and Sei;Magnifique! for commenting my last chapter.

I've had a few people commenting on the fact that thay found it hard to turn away from Cerise cuz shes the main character. I just want people to know that when this story was started my cowriter chose to talk more about Cerise, i didn't like the direction she left it in when she handed it over to me. Therefore this is now a mulitcharacter story meaning that i'll follow more than just Cerise's story. This is about Cerise's journey and Tom's and Madeline's. I just wanted to clear things up for everyone.