Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Exercise Your Thoughts of Friendship

Cerise’s POV

I woke up early the next morning and went to shower before my walk with Gustav. I dressed in a plain white shirt and black track pants and then met him in the kitchen for a bite to eat.

“Bagel?” he offered.

“Please.” I smiled and took the toasted and buttered bagel and began to eat it before we slipped on out shoes and headed out the door.

As we exited the building I turned to ask, “So where are we headed to today?”

“Mmm, I figured we could head down to the park we did last time and just kinda walk the paths there.” he said as we crossed the street and headed in the parks direction.

“Sounds good to me.” I smiled. I loved hanging out with Gustav; he was the only person I didn’t have issues with and could talk to, well almost freely.

After we arrived at the little recreational park we chose a path and start walking down it. It was a nice day; just enough of a breeze to keep us from getting over heated.

“So, how have you been?” Gustav asked, striking up a conversation.

“Pretty good, and yourself?”

“Hmm. I’ve been good.” he said.

“Why the ’hmm’?”

“I don’t know you just don’t seem like you’re doing as well as you lead on.” he looked at me from corner of his eyes.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, honestly curios to hear his theory.

“Well, ever since Saturday when Samantha started moving in you’ve been really…distant.” he sounded like he changed his last words from what he really wanted to say; bitchy.

“I have nothing against Samantha if that’s what you think.” it was the truth; I just hated listening to Georg talk about her non stop.

“Ok well maybe not Samantha, but I saw the way you looked at Amelia and Madeline.” I inadvertently cringed as he said their names. “See what I mean?”


“That face you made when I mentioned them.” he pointed out.

“So. That doesn’t mean anything.” I said in defense of my own stupidity.

“Uh-huh. Sure it doesn’t”

“It doesn’t.” I stated.

“What is it you have against them?” he asked.

“I just said-”

“You said the look meant nothing, but that doesn’t mean you still don’t have issues with them.”

I didn’t respond but just kept walking.

“You can tell me you know. It’s not like I’m gonna run around telling them why you don’t like them.” he rolled his eyes playfully and I couldn’t help but grin at him.

“I know, it’s just…I don’t know. I feel like…”

“Like what?” he pushed.

“Like they’re taking everyone away from me.” I said flatly. It was the truth, just the cleaned up version.

“Cerise. They aren’t taking anyone away.” he slightly chuckled.

“It feels that way.”

“Why because Georg and Samantha like each other? That doesn’t mean he’ll be away from home all the time.” again I walked in silence listening to what he had to say. “I understand that he’s the only family you have left, but he’s not gonna leave you.”

I’d never really thought of it in that way before. Damn, talk about insightful.

“Plus, you have Bill, Tom and I as well. And just because Bill and Tom have a fascination with other twins and want to hangout with Madeline and Amelia doesn’t mean they’ll always be gone either.” he stated.

I stopped walking and Gustav did as well to question why I had. I just leaned forward and hugged him.

“Thanks Gustav.” I sighed.

“What are friends for?” he chuckled.

And that’s exactly what he was. The only true friend I had, I was thankful for that much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Good ol' Gustav to the rescue :D

Thanks to my faithful readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, gidjet363, Monster-Kermit, Trinie, Sei;Magnifique!, murder.muse., SarahBeth1369 and sherbetsi for be the fantastic commenters you are and commenting my last chapter.

More comments Lovelies <3