Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Help Would Be Nice

Tom’s POV

Throughout the rest of the week Cerise and I didn’t talk much; she hardly spoke to anyone besides Gustav. When I asked him what all of it was about he simply stated that they were only friends and how they had talked on their walks. She had apparently mentioned something of feeling like we were all being taken away from her and that she was only hurt over it.

She was a damn good actress, I’d give her that. But whatever, I’d let Gustav think that was her only problem. I did believe however that they were only friends; he didn’t act like he showed an interest in her.

It was now Friday and I hadn’t seen Madeline since Monday; I had either been at the studio or checking up on Andreas and didn’t have the time. I was sick of being at the apartment and decided to go ahead and visit her at work.

I had just pulled up out side and gotten out of my car, locking it before I approached the front door. The bell above the door jingled as I entered and she looked up from the items she was scanning for a man across from her.

“I’ll be right with you.” she said professionally but the smile on her face seemed to hold a secret meant for me to decipher; if only I could.

She finished with her customer and as he left I replaced the magazine I held back on the shelf and went to her at the counter.

“Having fun?” I smiled.

“You know it.” she laughed.

“So how’s your week been?”

“Mmm, pretty much boring.” she chuckled, “And yours?”

“Busy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, yea? Whatchya been up to?” she questioned.

“Just going over stuff at the studio and taking care of my best friend; he broke his leg so Bill and I check in on him from time to time.” I explained.

“That’s nice of you.” she smiled.

“So, you hear about Georg and Sam tomorrow?” I chuckled slightly.

“Who hasn’t?” she laughed. “It’s all the girl has been talking about for the past two days straight.”

“Tell me about it. Georg has been the same.”

“Those two were meant for each other.” she shook her head in laughter and reached over to close a page on her computer.

“Ja…so I guess we’ll see you all on Sunday then.” I more asked then stated.

“Actually…you won’t”

“Why is that?” I asked curiously.

“Well you see, Amelia is fixing up her gallery,” I looked at her confusedly so she explained. “Well, you know how I have this bookstore? She used her money to invest in an art gallery; she paint’s. Anyway, I’m helping her set some stuff up on Sunday.”

“Oh. What kind of stuff?”

“Frames, canvas’, boxes of God knows what…that sort of stuff. Why?”

“Well I thought that maybe if you wanted I could get Bill and Gustav to come over and we’d help you.” I offered.

“Really? Oh that’d be great, and Georg can stay to help Sam with the last of her boxes.” she said almost excitedly.

“Awesome, sounds good to me. I just need the address.”

She wrote the address on a sticky note and I folded in and stuck it in my pocket. Just then my phone went off and when I looked at the screen I saw a text message from Bill.

“What is it?” Madeline asked.

“Looks like we’re out of milk. And if Bill doesn’t eat his cornflakes in the morning he can get rather cranky.” I laughed.

“Well then I guess you better be on your way.” she giggled.

“Looks that way. Alright Madie, we’ll see you on Sunday.”

“Ok, drive safe.” she smiled.

“Will do.” with that I went back out to my car and to the nearest grocery store.
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted early cuz I wont be home later, so enjoy :]

Thanks to my redears and to murder.muse., Loveless Soul..., gidjet363, Trinie, x6GothicxGirl9x and Sei;Magnifique! for commenting my last chapter.

<ore comments Lovelies.