Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

It's a Set Up

Tom’s POV

“You almost done in there, Bill?” I called through the bathroom door.

“Ja, 5 minutes.” his muffled voice told me.

“Alright, I’ll be in the living room.”

I walked into the living room and stood by the door pulling my jacket on.

“You sure you don’t wanna come along, Gustav?”

“Nah, my ankle still hurts from that jog I took yesterday.” he said readjusting the ice pack he’d placed on it.

“Alright, I just hate to leave you here alone.” I said.

“He won’t be.” a cheery little voice emerged from the kitchen, it belonged to Cerise.


“Yea, I’ll stay here with him. There was this movie I wanted to see anyway.” she smiled as she sat down beside Gustav on the couch.

“Alright then. Have fun I guess.” I said when Bill finally came into the living room ready to leave.

“Bye guys.” we said and went down stairs and out to the parking lot to my car.

“So where is this place again?” Bill asked as we headed out.

“Pretty much right in the middle of town.” I chuckled.

“And that’s safe.” he raised a questioning eyebrow in my direction.

“The girls assured us that no one else will be there. It’s not even opened yet.” I chuckled again finding amusement in Bill’s panicky expression.

“Ja, ok.” he said and turned to stare out of the passenger window a forlorn look taking over his face.

“What wrong with you?” I asked him, nudging his elbow with my own.

“Nothing.” he pouted.

“Yea that’s why I feel sick to my stomach right now. What’s going on? Are you sick or something?”

He softly laughed saying, “Well at least someone knows how I feel.”

I just kinda looked at him as if saying, ‘go on’ and he did.

“No, I’m not sick.” he sighed; “I’m just upset over something, but I’d rather not talk about it.” he ended quietly trailing off.

“Bill, you can’t just do that. Now I have to know.” I exaggerated and he laughed shaking his head.

“Tomi, there are just some things I’d rather not have to say out loud.” he said and I felt the embarrassment radiating off of him.

I sat thinking for a second and could tell it wasn’t just something that was bothering ing him; it was someone.

“Ok, who is it?” I asked.

“Excuse me?” his eyebrows knitted together in confusion and shock.

“Someone has upset you, I can tell.”

He started to say something but his attention was then drawn to the large building we pulled up to.

“Is this it?!” he asked.

“Ja…” we both stared out the front window admiring the spacious structure outside the vehicle. Just then a small person emerged from the building with a smile spread across her face. A smile a couldn’t help but return.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the filler but it has to happen sometimes xD

Thanks to my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, Sei;Magnifique!, Monster-Kermit and gidjet363 for commenting my last chapter.

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