Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Just Babysitting...Right!

I awoke the next morning to the sound of Georg’s heavy bass, pounding in my head. I yelped, jumping up too quickly, and collapsed on the floor entangled in my blankets. I shielded my ears, crouching down into my stomach as he continued to play.

“Arrêt! [Stop!] I’m awake! Please!!” I begged. He laughed a little but finally sat down his loud instrument. This was punishment. Georg knew I would have a hangover, and found this cruelly amusing. I remained in that same feeble position, as my head continued to ache.

“Lunch is ready if you’d like some,” He dimly stated, although I could still here the laughter in his voice. I watched as he walked back out, carrying his bass over his shoulder as if it was nothing. I rolled over on my back, spread eagle and stared at my ceiling. He had said lunch so I was guessing I had greatly overslept. Slowly, I lifted my head and glanced over at the clock, hanging near the window. It read 1:27, and I couldn’t help but sigh. It seemed to me it was only 8:00 but then again, I had had some difficulty sleeping last night. No doubt the guy’s would continue to yell at me as soon as I went into the living room. All well, I wasn’t in the mood for an argument and I could always ignore them I guess. Thank god for selective hearing.


Georg stood in the kitchen staring at the four large pizza’s sitting on the counter. He wasn’t sure if the guy’s were going to come over or not, although they usually did, especially when it was time to eat. He didn’t even really have an appetite at the moment. His mind was on Cerise. Why had she snuck out? She had just gotten here and already she was getting herself into trouble! Cerise had barely been in his care for a day and already she was sneaking off, drinking, and who knows what else! What if she had gotten killed! Or worse, Pregnant! He sighed and laid his head down on the table. “Why me?” He asked himself. He heard Cerise stumble into the kitchen, clutching her head.


“Aspirin?” I mumbled, slurring the word a little with my accent. Georg rolled his eyes and walked off down the hall. I wasn’t sure if he was going to get the aspirin, or just walking away too pissed to speak to me. I sighed and sat down at the table, laying my trembling head in my hands. Last night I had found it funny how they were so angry with me but now I was beginning to feel a bit…sorry.

I looked up as Georg walked back into the kitchen with two tiny pills in his hands. I couldn’t help but watch as he walked over to the sink, grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He then turned and handed them both to me.

“Thank you,” I said as I swallowed the pills down with the water. He nodded, but did not speak. I frowned, turning away from his, supposedly, ‘guilt trip’. He sucked at it, but I didn’t want him to know that, as if I hadn’t upset him enough already. I stood up and walked over to the couch, I hoped he wouldn’t mind that I wasn’t too hungry since he had ordered four pizzas. I noticed him look out the of the kitchen window and then at me. I smiled and turned my head back to the blank television screen, debating whether to turn it on or not.

“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” Georg asked, I sighed in relief that he was talking to me again. I turned around on the couch so that my knees were in the seat and propped my arms on the back.

“Not…really” I mumbled, crossing my arms and sitting my head on them. I began chewing on my tongue and Georg could tell something was up.

“What now?” I frowned at his tone. Although to be honest I couldn’t really blame him.

“Are you mad at me still?” I whispered, trying to sound younger and more innocent than I actually was. I saw him grab four plates out of the cabinet and set them on the table. No one could resist my baby face, and man did I love it.

Georg reluctantly looked at me and cracked a smile. “Yes, I’m still mad at you and you’re not leaving the house for a few weeks” I felt my jaw drop.

“What!?” He laughed at my expression. I couldn’t believe he could be so straightforwardly cruel! It’s not like I went to some sex party! What’s his deal! ?

I flipped back around, and as I did, three guys waltzed through the door as if they owned the place. It was Gustav, Bill, and Tom talking and laughing…or at least they were until their eyes fell upon me, sitting on the sofa, arms crossed, staring at them in all their nerdish glory. They walked right past me, without even saying hi, but I was almost certain that Tom’s stare hadn’t moved from me until he was in the kitchen with Georg.
I glanced back at the blank television set and finally grabbed the remote, flipping through channels in which I could barely understand since they were all in German. I reverted my ears back to the kitchen where the guy’s were talking.

“Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich sie niederlegen musste! Es lässt mich mich so alt wie ein Elternteil fühlen” I heard Georg say. He was speaking in German so that I couldn’t eaves drop.

“Fichu” [damn] I mumbled. I focused my attention back on the TV screen. Why did it seem to be fading?


“Well technically you are like her parent now” Bill said as he took another slice of pizza, and placed it onto his plate. Georg sighed, he knew he was right.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to feel like it! I’ve never grounded anyone in my life!” Tom laughed, he found it amusing that Georg was acting so ‘adult’ like. He was the one who would go to clubs with him and chat up hot girls. Hey…that’s it!

“We should go to a club!” Everyone looked at Tom as if he had just told them the world was flat. The smile quickly wiped from his face

“Cerise? He can’t just leave her here! She’ll most likely sneak out!” Gustav told him through a mouth full of pizza. Tom smiled, he hadn’t thought of that before.

“Well…I could stay and keep an eye on her, the whole reason of going to the club was so that Georg could take a break, you guy’s could go on ahead...” Bill rolled his eyes at his twin. He knew exactly what Tom was thinking…and it didn’t involve babysitting.

“How about I stay and watch her, seeing as I won’t try to sleep with her” Georg glared at Tom; surely he wouldn’t try to sleep with his cousin.

“Bill’s right,” Georg said, “he can stay and baby sit.” Tom frowned

“I’m mature enough to look after her!” He protested Bill and Gustav began to laugh, but Georg didn’t. Tom was his best friend…maybe he should trust him, at least just this once.

“Fine” Both Gustav and Bill turned to look at him.

“Are you serious?” Gustav asked, Tom smiled triumphantly.

“Yes, but just this once.” He warned “And if I come home to find her drunk, high, or...god know what, I’m going to-“

“Kill me, gotcha!” Tom finished him. Bill had just remained silent, in shock. Georg was going out on a limb for Tom, and… he wasn’t really sure why. He must have been crazy to leave Tom in charge, but…he had a gut feeling that more than likely it would turn out to be a complete and total disaster.
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