Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

I Was Framed

Madeline’s POV

Tom and I left the bar area and head quickly toward the loud crash that came from the back. An explosion of laughter echoed off the walls and caused a slight confusion between Tom and me.

We rounded the corner and saw Amelia hunched over, hands on her knees and laughing hysterically.

I shot a look at Tom and he shook his head stating that he didn’t understand either.

The next few steps we took into the room exposed us to the source of Amelia’s laughter.

Bill lay on the floor, half way through an empty frame with his head thrown back in laughter. Tubes of paint were scattered around his feet and one that looked to have been smashed was leaking red acrylic everywhere. Another step showed that the red paint had made it to the wall next to where Bill lay.

“What happened back here?” I heard myself asking, still slightly puzzled at what I saw.

“He…slipped…on the paint tubes.” Amelia informed me through teary laughs.

“And how did you accomplish that one, Bill?” Tom snickered.

“No idea.”

We stood shaking our heads and smiling at our siblings and I looked over at Tom who murmured, “Meant for each other.”

I returned his smile then went over to help him pull Bill back through the frame and off the ground.

He dusted himself off and then looked at the mess of the wall and his laughter faded quickly.

“Oh, Amelia. I’m so sorry about your wall.” he bit his bottom lip as he turned to meet her face.

“Don’t be!” she said happily. “I haven’t been able to think of a thing to do with this section of the gallery. You’re a genius!”

“I am?” he said cocking an eyebrow at her.

“He is?” Tom mimicked his twins face perfectly.

“Yes!” she said to both of them happily.

“Ok Ame’s, explain.” I said crossing my arms and preparing myself for this idea Bill had evidently struck.

“Well I love bright colors and the way that paint hit the wall was awesome.” she laughed.


“We’ll splatter paint the wall!” she exclaimed.

You should have seen the look on Bill’s face; he looked like he had just been handed the keys to a new Mercedes Benz.

“Oh, Eli can I…I mean we, can we help?” Bill asked excitedly, gesturing between himself and Tom.

“Eli?” she asked with a cute little confused expression on her face. Bill looked slightly embarrassed. “I like it! And of course, you inspired it, you have to be there.”

Bill clapped his hands excitedly and Tom smirked over at me.

We all checked our schedules and decided that we’d meet back up on Wednesday to splatter paint the walls. This was sure to be an experience.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another filler. Sorry, but it has to happen lol
How does everyone like my new banner?! :D

Thanks top my readers and to gidjet363, Monster-Kermit, murder.muse., x6GothicxGirl9x, SarahBeth1369 and Pansyxlivesxon for commenting my last chapter.

more comments lovelies.