Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Playing Nice

Cerise’s POV

Most of my weekend was spent at the apartment alone or with one of the guys. On Saturday Georg had his date with Samantha and Gustav went out for a run so I was home with the twins for most of the day. They weren’t much fun though; they were going over songs and such, so I left the room.

Yesterday I stayed home with Gustav because he twisted his ankle and mostly because I didn’t want to go with Tom and Bill to help out Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. Georg was helping Samantha move the last of here stuff in; we’d be seeing either a lot more of her or a lot less of him. Either way I couldn’t care less.

Today though, I sat around with Bill while Gustav went into town with Georg and Tom was back at his friend’s house checking in on him.

“So…what have you been up to?” he asked me as we sat on the couch staring at the blank television.

“Not much.” I said flatly. He and I hadn’t really talked since the whole towel incident and me trying to sleep with him.


I got to thinking about a talk Gustav and I had yesterday; he had mentioned something about them being the only family I had and how I’d better not do anything to mess that up. He was only joking, but half the time I don’t think he realizes just how right on he is.

I got to thinking about it last night while I was in bed alone and realized that if I’m pissed at them I’m not getting any. I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to make up with Tom, probably close to impossible at this point, but I was sure I could sway Bill more easily.

I turned to see him staring at the coffee table, his eyes glazed over in thought as he picked unknowingly at the hem of his shirt.


His eyes shot over to mine and then he slowly turned his head after realizing I didn’t look angry.


“I just wanted to…apologize. What I did…and what I said last week…it was uncalled for.” I fought to get every word out and to sound sincere. I guess I was better at it than I thought; Bill’s expression softened and he reached out to take my hand in his. That was one thing about Bill that bothered me slightly; he had more well manicured hands than I did.

“It’s ok,” he started; “I forgive you…because I do care about you.” he smiled.

I fought hard to return the smile; he iforgave me? He was supposed to say it was his fault and not mine. Gah! This boy, I swear.

“So we’re ok?” I confirmed.

“Ja.” he smiled widely and pulled me in for a kiss. I was too upset to actually try taking advantage of him at this point so I just gave him a small peck.

He pulled me into his side and held me there as we continued to watch what ever was on. I was honestly starting to get pissed over all of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short, i was a little out of it tonight what with all the tornando warnings and crap.
It'll get better soon, i swear.

Thanks to my readers and to Monster-Kermit, Trinie, x6GithicxGirl9x, gidjet363 and Mellogasm for commenting on my last chapter.

More comments lovelies.