Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?


Tom’s POV

Going down the same streets as Sunday, Bill and I made our way to the gallery to meet up with Madeline and Amelia; today we’d be splatter painting the walls there.

Glancing over at Bill anyone who’d seen him on our first trip here would notice he was significantly happier. The fact that he radiated this sense of electricity when he was happy only made my own glee grow immensely.

“You seem excited.” I chuckled lightly as I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

“Ja, I’d say I am.” he smiled brightly as he sort of dance in his seat, swaying his torso from side to side.

“Good; you’ll have more fun then.” I nodded.


I laughed shaking my head faintly as I pulled up to the side walk in front of our destination.

Hearing an almost inaudible squeal come from Bill as he undid his seat belt and jumped form the car I followed suit.

After retrieving our spare shoes from the back seat I locked the doors and went in through the front door after Bill.

“Hallo?” he called in a sing song voice.

Shuffling from behind the bar caused me to avert my attention and there I saw Madeline approaching us with some kind of clothes in her arms.

“Hey guys” she smiled brightly.

I took a second to absorb her figure in my mind. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and her side swept bangs hung loosely over her left eye. She wore an old long sleeved button up shirt, blue and the sleeves rolled to her elbows. My eyes clung to the exposure of her lower half; she had on a pair of short black shorts and her toned bronze legs shone in the lights from the windows.

I don’t know how she does this to me; I grow more and more attracted to her with every passing second. I hadn’t really acted on the feeling at this point; I wasn’t sure what she would say.

As far as she knows I’m some guy who got in with some crazy chick and now can’t take the heat of a real relationship, which so wasn’t the case.

She probably doesn’t even have feelings for me. She keeps trying to get me to give Cerise another chance and make things better with her.

“Tom…everything alright?” she asked with a faint smile gracing her lips.

“Hmm? Oh, yea. Sorry; I was only thinking.” I said as I shook my head to rid myself of my inner discussion.

“Where is Amelia?” Bill asked as his eyes wandered the front portion of the gallery in search of the other twin.

“She’s in the back setting up. Just through there.” she pointed past the bar and into the section we’d be working in.

“Oh thanks.” he smiled.

“Wait.” Madeline said suddenly, slightly louder than she’d been talking before. “Take this. You don’t want to ruin your clothes.” she smiled handing Bill a wad of cloth.

He took it happily and turned to make his way into the back, a bit of a hop in his step. I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the small flutters I felt from Bill’s stomach. The tingle intensified as my own anticipation joined in when Madeline smiled at me, extending her hand to hand me the second wad of cloth.

“This one is yours.” she informed me.

“And what exactly is this?” I chuckled, not allowing my voice to crack like it wanted to.

“Coveralls.” she said in an obvious tone then laughed as realization struck my features. “Come on, you can change into them back here.”

I followed her past the bar and a few boxes and frames leaning against a wall and let my eyes fall down her shoulders to the small of her back. I grinned and suppressed a laugh as I saw the end of her shirt hanging far to low for me to admire to curves I searched for.

That was another thing about her that made me want her more than any other I’d ever met; she was so reserved. I bet no one knows her like Amelia, just like no one knows me like Bill.

That was my new mission; learn everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I'm a bit late, my sister has food poisening and i've been watching after her.

Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, SarahBeth1369, Pansyxlivesxon, x6GothicxGirl9x, Sei;Magnifique! and Monster-Kermit for commenting my last chapter.

more comments lovelies <3