Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

It's Getting Dark

Cerise’s POV

It just Gustav and I again and we were sitting on the couch in the dark — as in all the window shades pulled and every door closed with the lights off dark— watching Donnie Darko.

I’d never seen it but Gustav said if I paid attention and understood it that it would be really good.

I was actually getting a little creeped out by this rabbit dude and unknowingly scrunching myself into a ball on the couch.

Just then two things happened simultaneously. First, the front door swung open and secondly the suspenseful music used in movies started playing loudly. I must’ve jumped ten feet in the air but then felt completely stupid when I realized it was Tom and Bill.

They turned the lights on and closed the front door. Gustav paused the DVD and asked them how everything went.

“Great, it was so much fun.” Bill exclaimed and then his smile fell a bit when he saw me looking at him.

“That’s cool.” Gustav smiled.

That’s when I looked at Tom and couldn’t help but laugh; he had the most ridiculous, but cute, paint on his face.

“What are you supposed to be?” I asked him.

“Beautiful.” he smirked and I didn’t quite understand…but whatever.

They went on to explain what all they did and I couldn’t help but be jealous. Those girls got the best of my boys. I mean, sure I was having a good time here, but it just irked me to know they were out with those identical bimbos all day.

“You know, you both better wash up before Georg sees and flips out on you.” I chuckled despite my inner voice wanting to scream out.

“True, where is he anyway?” Tom asked.

“He took Sam out again. Movie I think.” Gustav answered.

They both made an ’o’ mouthed expression and then nodded.

They left to their rooms and I heard Bill call first dibs on the shower and couldn’t help but laugh a little.

Gustav turned the movie back on after turning the light back off and I immediately stopped thinking of the twins and focused on the crazy movie. I was determined to understand this so that Gustav and I could talk about it later on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its short and filler, sorry.
and yes i'm an hour late, but i wasn't home.

Thanks to murder.muse for being THE ONLY ONE to comment the last chapter :]

more comments kiddos