Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?


Madeline’s POV

It was after work on Thursday when I got the news. I’d just gotten out of the shower and went into the kitchen to see what Lia was doing. She was sitting eating ice cream right from the container.

As I sat down next to her she smiled and picked up the second spoon she had and handed it to me. She knows me so well, but what twin doesn’t know everything about their other half?

“So how was work?” she asked as she licked her knuckle where she’s touched the side of the container.

“Slow, thankfully. I got to just laze around and read.” I said around the melting ice cream in my mouth.

“You can do that at home you know.” she chuckled.

“Yea, but I like being around all of the books. Plus, you never know who you might run into.” I smiled.

“Tom coming down to see you at you work doesn’t actually constitute as ‘running into’.” she smirked.

“Oh shut up,” I laughed, “I never said that.”

“You don’t have to.” she said pointing to her head grinning.

“Get outta my head, would you.” I said and playfully shoved her before getting another spoonful of ice cream.

“Tom’s nice, so don’t freak over it.”

“Yea, yea. I know, plus I like his visits.” I sigh and continue think about yesterday and the way he’d stared at me, and the way he’d touched me. So innocently, he wasn’t inferring anything, yet I almost wish he was.

“He seems to really care about you.”

“How so?” I question.

“Well, with his visits and all. And the fact that he offered to help out with the gallery both days. Plus he drives all the way across town to see you, and you can’t even really do much because you’re working. He sits there in that bookstore with you all day anyway.” she explains her theories and they seem logical, but I’m still afraid of getting close to him this quickly.

When Shayne and I met it all happened so quickly; we’d only known each other for about a week before we started dating, and then after that it was all so fast; I could hardly breathe. And after…after that night, it all went down hill and it hasn’t gotten any better since.

“He’s charming.” I heard Amelia say.

“Which is more than I can say about Shayne.” I said as I stared off into nothing, just thinking over everything.

“Oh, that reminds me; he called.”


“Shayne.” she said in an obvious tone.

“What did he want?” I sighed slightly.

“He wanted to hang out with you this weekend but I told him that we were going to visit Sam. He said something about not seeing her in a while and asked if eh could tag along.”

My breath hitched and I stared at her in shock. “What did you say?”

“I told him he could if he’d meet us here at noon on Saturday.” she said.

I dropped my head and let it thump loudly against the table. It isn’t really her fault, she had no idea I was angry with him. And I though he was the one who was supposed to be angry. God, his emotions have like a two second rebound rate.

“What’s wrong Madie?”

I went on to explain to her that he and I were having some issues. I feel awful because my own twin doesn’t even know that whole story about me and Shayne. I couldn’t bear to have anyone else worry about me. Plus I was taking every precaution in preventing that night from happening again.

“I’m sorry, maybe everything will work it’s self out soon.” she offered.

“Maybe…” but more than likely not.

“Have you told Tom about Shayne?”

“What? No…it never really came up.” I said. It was the truth, but still…

“You should tell him, that way he isn’t in complete shock when we show up with him. When is the next time you see him?”

“Tomorrow more than likely.” I sighed.

“You should tell him.”

“I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, gijet363, XTokioHotel_FanX, Monster-Kermit, Pansyxlivesxon, SarahBeth1369 and DanceBriannaDance for commenting my last chapter.

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