Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Honestly Not Angry

Madeline’s POV

Everything was slow today; the rising sun still hadn’t graced its presents on my little bookstore, the time was hardly ticking passed on the clock over the back shelf, the customers had come and gone, and now I sit her alone.

I would have read a bit more of my book but couldn’t focus on the words; I stared and stared at the pages and didn’t recognize a word. I finally just closed it and slid it toward the computer, resting my head in my hands.

How was I going to tell Tom about Shayne? I mean, it’s not like anything had happened between us, and he was going out with Cerise so I shouldn’t have a problem right?

I grabbed an ink pen and started drawing random shapes and words on a notepad which after a while all ended up being hearts; some broken, some whole, some mended and some that smiled.

I heard a slight tinkling sound but it didn’t register that it was the door until I saw someone standing in front of me on the opposite side of the counter. I looked up to see that it was Tom, and the smile he wore across his lips only made the guilt I felt much heavier.

“Hey there kitty cat, what are you drawing over there?” I chuckled at his new nickname as he spun around my cluttered notepad.

“I was just doodling, really.” I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

“Well they look very nice, except for the broken ones; they make me kinda sad.” he pushed out his bottom lip as he mock pouted.

“Yea, they tend to make people sad.” I mumbled. He gave me a confused look and I shook my head and shrugged it off.

“So you still coming over to visit Sam tomorrow?” he questioned.

“Uh, yea…about that.” I started and looked down at my hands as I picked at my polished nails.

I just stared at anything but his face; my hands, the computer screen, my notepad, not knowing how to start.

“You’re not coming?” Tom asked a little loudly sounding fairly disappointed.

“No, no; I’m still coming over. It’s just…I wont be alone.”

“Well Ja, Eli’s coming too, right?” He missed the point, but maybe I wasn’t as clear as I’d hoped.

“Oui, but…we won’t be alone.” I winced as I actually had to admit to myself that my deranged boyfriend would be accompanying us tomorrow.

Tom’s eyebrows stitched in the middle of his forehead as he silently questioned what I’d meant.

I quickly muttered under my breath that Shayne would be joining us.

“What? I can’t hear you.” Tom said leaning in closer so that he might catch what I’d said.

“My…boyfriend…is coming too.”

Tom’s POV

I swear I felt my heart stop beating. I couldn’t breathe anymore; all I could do was stare at her. She was still picking at her fingernails and had yet to meet my gaze.

How could she have a boyfriend? I’d never heard her mention anyone.

I mean, sure there never really was a time to just say ‘hey I have a boyfriend’ but still, she could have said something.

I felt almost led on, like she let me believe all the flirting was for something.

Then the thought came to me. I was technically still dating Cerise and didn’t really have a right to be angry.

“Boyfriend?” I managed to say.

“Oui.” she sighed and finally looked up at me.

“I uh, didn’t know you had one.”

“Well, you know how when I mention Cerise being your girlfriend you said ‘If you can even call her that’?” she asked and I nodded remembering the conversation.

“Well it’s pretty much like that between Shayne and me.” I nodded understandingly but couldn’t help but feel a pang in my stomach when she put a name to this guy. For what ever reason, he didn’t seem to make her happy and for that much alone I already wasn’t fond of this guy. But I wouldn’t say that to her.

“So, why haven’t you broken it off with him? If he isn’t all you’re looking for, I mean.” I asked.

“Why haven’t you broken up with Cerise?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s just…”

“Not that easy?” she said.

“Exactly. So why is it that he’s coming along?” I asked because I was honestly curious. He’d never come over before, which enlightened a whole new hate for this guy. He could have helped out when the girls where moving Sam’s stuff over and he hadn’t. I don’t know, maybe he works.

“He says he want to visit Sam.” she said unenthusiastically and shrugged her shoulders.

“You really don’t want him there, do you?” I asked noticing how unhappy she looked.

“Not at all.”

“I guess I’ll just have to steal you away then.” I said coyly and smile cracked through her disappointment and for once today she honestly looked happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the week long wait guys.
I had massive modivational block =/
but im back so all is good!

Thanks to my readers and to gidjet363, sei;magnifique!, Pansyxlivesxon, Monster-Kermit, x6GothicxGirl9x, YoUnGBoSsBaBe, DanceBriannaDance and xXxAlicexXx for commenting my last chapter.

More comments lovelies!