Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

What a Tease!

As the guys left Georg’s apartment on their way to the club, Tom sat in a chair across from the couch where Cerise’s angelic body lay sleeping. He watched the rise and fall of her chest and listened to her sustained breathing. Although he had been mad at her last night, he wasn’t mad about the partying. How could he be? He would have most likely done the same thing, except there wasn’t a need for him to sneak out. He was angry because she was there with another guy. Someone who barely even knew her, and she let him put his hands all over her.

Tom’s first instinct the day he saw her, was that she was a hot little foreign girl that would barely understand a word he said, which would make getting her in bed only that much easier. But as he sat staring at her, that thought only lingered in the back of his head. He wondered now, why she felt the need to sneak out? If only she would have asked Georg to take her out to a club, he probably would have let her. Georg didn’t so much mind her partying, he just wanted her to be safe about it. If he could be there to watch her and make sure she got home alright, then it wouldn’t really be a problem.

Tom was pulled out of his thoughts by an obnoxiously loud Samy Deluxe song playing from inside his pocket. He dug deep into his pocket to retrieve his phone, and noticing it was Bill, he stood and walked into the kitchen to talk to him.


“Tom…So what are up to?” Bill sounded suspicious.

“Nothing, just sitting around.” Tom just rolled his eyes knowing Bill couldn’t see him.

“Mhm…With Cerise?!”

“No. She is still asleep on the couch. You guys really don’t trust me do you?!” Tom was a little more than agitated by this. If they were going to continue calling him every 20 minutes just to make sure he was behaving, he would just stop answering his phone.

“Well Tom, you are known for your promiscuity!” Bill joked, but Tom knew he wasn’t playing.

“Yes, well I promised Georg that I would look over Cerise and nothing else. He is my best friend, besides you of course, and I intend to keep my promise!” Tom almost felt hurt that even his brother was doubting him.

“I trust you Tom…I’ll try and convince Georg to not have me call you all night!” Bill laughed and so did Tom because they knew that Georg would probably have Bill do exactly that!

“K, well I better get off of here before she wakes up! There are so much easier to baby-sit when they are asleep!” Tom joked but knew is was the truth. If Cerise woke up he would have to deal with her, which might accidentally lead to something else. Things would be better if she remained on the couch asleep.

“Isn’t that the truth. Alright bro, I’ll talk to you when we get back.”

“K Bill, have fun! Bye.” As the line went dead Tom closed his phone and place back, securely in his pocket.

Tom slowly turned around to go back into the living room and continue watching over Cerise. As he did he about jumped out of his skin at the sight if her standing in the door way, silently staring at him.

“Looks like I just made your job a lot harder…hmm and something else too it seems…” She was looking down toward Tom’s pants with a smirk across her face.

“I don’t know what your talking about!” Tom tried ignoring her stare and attempted to walk past her. She held her hand out, placing it on his stomach to stop him. She turned her head and started directly in his eyes.

“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Her hand began to slide down to his lower abdominal. Oh he wanted to let her continue, but he couldn’t. He had promised Georg.

“Well even if I did, nothing would happen!” He hoped. God, did he have the strength to just say no?! He had never had to before. Well, this would be a sure way to find out.

“Oh?! Are you so sure of that?”

“Yea…I am!” Tom tried to sound firm but wasn’t doing a very good job at it. He pushed passed her and walked over to the couch sitting down as far away from her as he could, which didn’t help because she just came and sat down right next to him. She was practically on his lap, trying to get him to falter.

“Could you please move, I’m trying to watch TV…”

“The television isn’t on…Nice try though!” Tom went and grabbed the remote and turned it on.

“It is now!” He said with I smug grin on his face. Cerise just crawled over and set herself down on his lap. She slowly went to remove his cap and leaned into kiss him. Tom almost kissed her back, bought fought the urge and lifted her off of him. He set her down on the couch and got up, walking back into the kitchen.

“You can’t avoid me Tom! You have to stay here with me all night, until the guys get back. Do you really think you can keep it in your pants that long?!” Cerise just got up off the couch and followed him. She came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She could feel him tighten up, which made her giggle. She went under his arm and moved around to the front of him, not moving her hands from his hips.

“Are you desperate or something? I said no!” Tom pushed her hand off of him and turned around, once again making his way into the living room.

“Me, no! You, yes!” Tom turned at looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.

“What do you mean? You think I’m desperate? Well I’m not!” there was no way he was desperate. He could have any woman at any time he wanted. He didn’t need Cerise. Not that he could have her if he did want her.

“Are you so sure of that? Why wouldn’t you let Bill stay with me then? I know you all thought I was asleep, but I heard everything you said. How you fought over who got to watch me! You must really want a lay huh?!” Tom just ignored her word, but continued staring at her with a look of disgust.

Cerise knew this would be only too easy. She wanted to see just how far she could go before he would give in. She slyly smiled as she reached for the draw string on her pajama bottoms. She slowly untied them and let them drop down to her ankles allowing her black laced panties to show. Toms eyes widened and his hands began to fidget. Cerise smiled as she bit her lip and continued staring into Tom’s eyes. She then pulled off her black muscle shirt reveling a black lace bra that matched her panties. Tom was starting to nervously flick his lip ring with his tongue.

She dropped her shirt to the floor and slowly walked over to Tom. She looked up into his eyes, but he didn’t budge. He didn’t dare. Realizing she would have to push a little further, she grabbed the front of his shirt and began backing up, slowly pulling him toward her until her back was up against the wall. She could feel the warmth of his body on her, and grabbed his hands trying to persuade him to play along.

He could feel her leg rising slowly against the outside of his own, as she hinted for him to lift it higher for her. He placed his hand at the top of her thigh and ran it down to the fold in her knee, slowly lifting her leg as he pressed against her. With his other hand he grabbed hers, placing them above her on the wall. She looked up at him, and he began to lean in almost touching her. She could feel his hot breath against her lips and went forward to kiss him but was cut off.

“I said NO! Is that so hard to understand? Put your clothes on!” Tom whispered this to her and she could hardly hear it over her racing heartbeat. He let go of her and turn going back over to the couch sitting down to watch whatever was on.

Cerise couldn’t even believe what happened. She bent down and grabbed her clothes and stormed off to her room. What a tease, she thought. She would get him sooner or later, she had no doubt about that.


Tom watched as Cerise left the room in a huff, and slam her door shut. He let out a sigh of relief. I did it, no actually I didn’t do it! Tom laughed at his thought, but was proud of him self for not doing anything with her.

“God, I hope she doesn’t do that again!” Tom said to himself quietly as he changed the channel. “Next time I might not be able to stop myself!”

Tom sat watching TV for the rest of the night, occasionally getting up to get some of the left over pizza from the fridge. Cerise came out only once to do the same. Tom didn’t fully trust her so he went to her room about every half hour to make sure she hadn’t snuck out. She hadn’t, which was good for Tom, Because he didn’t feel like explaining to Georg everything that went down that night. He came a little to close for comfort in Georg’s opinion. He still hadn’t done anything, but maybe if he explained to Georg how she tried to seduce him to get him into trouble, he wouldn’t be quiet so hard on him. Georg might actually be proud of Tom for holding back. The guys would finally believe that he could be responsible and mature, when he wanted to.

This felt good to Tom. He would explain it all when the guys got home. But for now he just had to make sure Cerise stayed here and didn’t do anything else stupid.


It was around one in the morning when they guys, stepped back through the front door completely hammered. They were being loud and Cerise had just fallen asleep an hour or so ago.

“Shhh…She’s asleep!” Tom hushed the guys.

“Where is she?!” Georg asked.

“In her room. I’ve been checking on her all night.” Tom felt proud to say this. He had been a very responsible babysitter. She was fed, clean, entertained to an extent, and now sleeping cozily in her bed.

“I want to know everything!!” Bill said full of excitement. I got up and the four of us went and sat at the kitchen table. I started at the beginning and didn’t skip a thing. The guys’ eyes where wide as they stared at Tom absorbing every detail of the story.

“Let me tell you, she tried…but I wouldn’t have it! I made you a promise and kept it!” Tom was half expecting Georg to hurl across the table and slug him, but he just sat there nodding his head.

“I can’t believe she really tried to get you in trouble with Georg! And on purpose!!” Bill was astonished at her behavior.

“Oh I can! She’ll get what she’s asking for one of these days! And I’m not talking about getting laid either. One day, she’s gonna need us and we won’t be there because of her betrayals.” Georg had a tendency to overreact when he was drunk but Tom just nodded in agreement.

“Well, I think its about time you three went to bed. We should all just stay here tonight. Georg, you are in no state of mind to watch her conniving little ass right now!” Tom smiled as he thought about her ass. Georg hadn’t noticed.

“Awe look at Tom, still playing baby sitter!” Gustav laughed, Bill joined in.

“He’s right though…You guys can take the guest room and the pull out bed on the couch.” Georg informed them.

With that much said, they all made their ways to bed. Georg in his own room, and Tom let Bill and Gustav share the guest room. He didn’t want to be a part of what ever might happen between the to drunken guys. More than likely they would just pass out, but he wasn’t taking his chances.

Tom changed into some of his clothes that he left at Georg’s for this specific reason. He would be sleeping in the living room on the pull out couch. As he crawled in under the covers, he began to recap the evening in his mind. God, how good she looked. He rolled over on his side and closed his eyes letting the smile take over his face as he faded of to sleep. Tom thought to himself…What a tease!!
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I hope you liked this one!!
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