Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Put On a Happy Face

Madeline’s POV

I was sitting in the kitchen staring out the window over the sink when a loud abhorrent knock came to the door. I sighed noisily as I slid down from the counter and made my way into the living room. The knock came again, this time more stridently and I quickened my pace.

“I’m coming.” I yelled.

I pulled the door open swiftly. Shayne stood there, all his weight on one foot and his arms folded over his chest, glaring at me.

“You took fuckin’ long enough.” he seethed and pushed passed me into the living room. He’d rammed into my arm hard enough that it continued to hurt as I closed the door again and followed him to the kitchen.

When I walked in he was leaning against the counter where I’d sat only seconds ago and he was actually eating my food.

“Yea, I was done with that. You can have it.” I mumbled as I walked to the fringe to grab some orange juice.

“What the hell is with the attitude?” he fumed.

I turn from the fridge to see him drop the slice of toast on the counter and start walking toward me. I start backing into the open fridge trying to get as far away from him as I can but he continues advancing on me.

“You’re gettin’ real ballsy, aren’t you?” he said between clinched teeth.

“No.” I said my voice almost inaudible.

“Think you’re so tough. Let’s find out just how tough.” he said and raised his hand, ready to swing.

“Madie, is Shayne here?” Amelia asked from down the hall.

“Yes.” I croaked out trying to steady my voice as hold back the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks.

“You’re lucky.” he whispered and stepped away back toward the counter.

And I knew I was. I was so thankful that Amelia was here today. Just imagining if she hadn’t been made me want to scream and run to my room, locking myself inside.

She finally rounded the corner, a huge oblivious smile spread across her face.

“Hey Elle-dog, long time no see.” Shayne sang out as if nothing had just happened.

“I like it that way you dork.” she laughed and he threw his hand up over his heart.

“Ugh, that was deep. Straight through the heart.” he joked.

If only someone would stab him, then I’d be free. I wouldn’t have to pretend to be happy anymore.

“Well are you two about ready?” she asked glancing between us.

“Sure am.” Shayne said hoping down off the counter.

“Madie?” Amelia asked.

“Yea, let me grab my phone.” I left the kitchen I went to my room.

Inside the confinements of my room I sat down on my bed taking deep breaths to calm myself. I just wanted to get away from him, be somewhere safe. I couldn’t help but think of Tom. I’d be safer with him around; he wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I’m almost sure of it.

I walked back out to the living room and locked the door as I left. Amelia and Shayne were waiting in the hall and I immediately took Amelia’s arm and linked it in mine. We made our way to the elevator and then out to the car.

I was glad that only two people could sit in the front; no matter where I sat it wouldn’t have to be with Shayne.

The ride over was very calm and easy on the surface but the undercurrent of electricity was almost unbearable. I just needed to get out of that car, away from Shayne.

I just needed to be away from him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x and Sei;Magnifiqu! for commenting my last chapter.

More comments lovelies!