Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Gotta See This

Cerise’s POV

Last night I’d over heard Tom telling the guys about the extra member joining the party. Apparently his ‘little Miss Thang’ was already taken. Hilarious, right?

That’s what you get though. You know what they say; you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Unless you’re me, of course. That’s one of the only exceptions.

So anyway, evidently her boyfriend hasn’t seen Sam in a while and decided to tag along. I’m sure he had no idea just how much his coming over would make Tom squirm. I wonder if he even knew about Tom. Well after today he would.

I hadn’t planned on going over with them because I really don’t give a shit about Samantha, but I think today I could make an exception.

Seeing Tom freak out over this guy would be priceless. Not to mention seeing this guy period would be worth the visit. So what if he’s taken, never stopped me before. And I’m sure he wouldn’t mind getting a little action; I doubt very seriously he was getting any from his little do-gooder.

I mean seriously, what is up with her? She’s so…and her sister. Really? But no, just because they’re fucking twins…all hail. Whatever.

I was sitting at the table eating a bunch of grapes, watching Tom. He was sitting on the couch and I swear you could hear his heart beat from across the room. Really, what was there to be worked up over?

Tom’s POV

I don’t know why I was so antsy. It’s only the girls…and Madeline’s boyfriend. But really, I don’t even know him so I shouldn’t judge. But there has to be some reason she doesn’t like him. If it was only that they didn’t get along well she would have called it off. But she made it sound like so much more than not having anything in common.

When ever he was brought up, or even just relationships in general, she always got this really sad look in her eyes. If she honestly didn’t like him that much, why was she still with him?

I remember her mentioning something about giving people so many chances that it got harder to let go with each chance.

Maybe she really does love him.

A knock at the door pulled me from my reverie and then my heart began to race again. I sat there hoping that someone else might answer the door, but I was the only one in the living room. I exhaled noisily trying to rid myself of these nerves, and stood to answer the door.

Just as a second knock came to the door I reached out and opened it.
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Yes, I realize this isn't much of a post.
That's why if you come back around 6 CST you'll have the second post of the day :]

Thanks to my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x and Monster-Kermit for commenting my last chapter.

More Comment Lovelies.