Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

The Look

Tom’s POV

“Oh hi, Amelia.” I said as I answered the door.

“What makes you so sure I’m not Madeline?” she asked with a smile and quirked her eyebrow intrepidly.

“For one, she’d never be so straight forward, especially with me. And two, I’ve spent the past 3 weeks around her; I know her pretty well.” I smiled triumphantly as I answered her question.

“Hmm, true.”

“So, speaking of Madeline; where is she?” I asked as I shoved my hands into my pockets and rocked forward on the balls of my feet. I leaned to look out into the hall hoping to catch a glimpse of her and said boyfriend.

“Already at Sam’s waiting. Where’s Bill?” she peered around my shoulder in search of my twin. I smirked at her and as she realized why, she blushed slightly and added, “and…Georg and Gustav…and umm…Georg’s cousin.”

“They’re coming,” I chuckled, “and her name is Cerise. I guess she actually will be joining us today.”

Amelia’s eyes were set wide with shock.

“I know, right?” no one really expected her to want to hang out.

“So the hermit leaves her cave, huh?” Amelia leaned forward and whispered from the side of her mouth. We both started laughing, that is until Cerise pushed passed me out the door and into the hall.

She gave Amelia this fake little smile that you could tell wasn’t meant to be a smile at all; she looked too disgusted for it to be meant as kind. Gustav then joined her out in the hall and they both started their walk down the hall.

“You think she heard me?” Amelia whispered as she watched Cerise walk away.

“Who knows?” I shrugged.

“She looked pissed.”

“What’s new; she’s always like that.” I rolled my eyes and Amelia laughed lightly.

“That’s a great way to refer to your girlfriend.” this time when she cocked her eyebrow at me the look was more of a challenge.

“Ugh, can we not call her that?” I groaned.

“Well what should we call her then?” she asked in a sing song voice as she linked her arm in mine and started dragging me down the hall. It was funny how common this felt; like walking down the hall with Bill. Only I wouldn’t link arms with him. I guess Eli just sort of felt like a sister in a way.

“You mean besides the obvious?” I laughed.

“Now, now.”

She chuckled out of no where and I turned and questioned what was so funny.

“Nothing, I just totally love how you really did know it was me and not Madie. It took Tweedle-Dum months to tell us apart and here you’ve accomplished it in mere weeks.”

“Tweedle-Dum?” I asked, not knowing who she was talking about.

“Shayne. He still can’t even tell which one of us picks up the phone when he calls. I don’t know how many times he’s just started the ‘oh baby’s’ and I’m like, ‘whoa there, turbo’.” she laughed.

We finally made it to Sam’s and walked right in. On the couch sitting next to Madeline was a fairly small guy. Shorter than me and had a smaller frame. He had light brown and blonde hair and a very pretentious face. He looked nothing like what Madeline would pride her self on being with. I guess that’s why she didn’t.

Introductions were made and as I stuck my hand out to shake his he just looked at it as if I was diseased then rolled his eyes and loosely gripped my hand shaking it lazily.

What an ass!

After everyone was inside seated around the room conversations started up and the tension seemed to die down a bit.

The whole time Shayne was making eyes at Cerise as if she was some piece of candy he could wait to eat. Kind of how I looked at her the first time I saw her. I’d love to tell him just how deceiving looks can really be, but I guess this ass could find out the hard way.

He had his arm up around Madeline’s shoulders holding her tightly, the look in her eyes pleading for him to let go.

Madeline’s POV

Tom seemed to understand how uncomfortable I was sitting here this close to Shayne. After him almost hitting me this morning I felt like my lungs were about to burst. I was so close I could smell the tang of his fruity gum through the overpowering cologne he wore. It was enough to make one sick.

Every time I tried to move his grip tightened and I could feel his annoyance with me. I sat still hoping to think of something to get me away from here.

I noticed Cerise looking over toward me and wanted to kick her in the face. She didn’t know that I knew about her and my cousin. She’d ruined Jean’s friendship and part of his life; there was no way to forgive that.

Then I realized it wasn’t me she was looking at, it was Shayne. I probably should have cared but didn’t; I’d trade spots with her any day. She didn’t realize what a great guy she had.

“Why don’t we watch a movie or something?” Bill suggested.

“Yea, we just got a new one.” Georg said.

“I’ll go look for it. Madie, you wanna help me?” Tom asked. He looked as if it was nothing to ask me to leave, but the look in his eyes told me he understood completely.

“Yea, sure. I’ll be back.”

Thankfully Shayne’s arm fell from my shoulder with ease. As I stood I saw that he hadn’t taken his eyes off Cerise.

Good riddance.

Cerise’s POV

I’d been sitting here this whole time eye fucking this guy sitting next to Madeline. I recognized him as one of the guys that I’d snuck out with my first night here. I’d met him and his friend…Brian…yea, Brian. I’d met them at the airport and they’d taken me out to party.

I don’t really remember talking to Shayne much at the party; I was more preoccupied with Brian slurring drunken pick up lines into my ear trying to coax me upstairs.

But now it was just me and Shayne…and the rest of this little group. But I didn’t really see them and I doubt he did either. He just let his little whore scamper off with Tom. Whatever. I could give a lot better than her, I guarantee it.

I smirked at him and he must have been able to read lips; he knew we were in for a good time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second post of the day.
Thanks to anyone reading this story.

Any predictions thus far?

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