Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Holding Back

Madeline’s POV

I followed Tom out of Sam’s apartment and into the hall. I released a loud shaky breath and looked up at the ceiling as a blinked repeatedly to hold back the tears.

“You alright?” Tom asked smoothly.

“Now.” I said smally as we walked to him apartment.

Once inside he closed the door and I went over to the couch to take a seat. He soon joined me and rested his hand on my shoulder caressing it with his thumb. His touch was so much better than Shayne’s; he seemed to just draw away all of my nerves.

“So what movie are you looking for?” I asked as I pulled my head form my hands and turned to look at him.

“I’m not.” he smiled.

“But I thought-”

“I had Bill helping me think of something to get me to have to leave. He just doesn’t really now it. I kept thinking of needing an excuse to leave and he came up with one.” he shrugged.

“Don’t you just love being a twin?” I chuckled.

“All the time.”

“Well thanks for getting me out of there.” I smiled and leaned back into the couch.

“No problem. You looked extremely uncomfortable and in a kind of pain so I had to do something.” he said shrugging again and turned to the side resting his back against the arm of the couch as he faced me.

Just the fact that he felt he had to help me out made me want to lean over and…

“What about him is so off putting to you?” he asked with genuine concern.

“He just…I don’t know. It wasn’t always like this.” I started out smally.

“It usually never is.”

“We used to get along so great. But now he’s so…not like he was.” I found it so hard to find the words to say. To explain to Tom just how much I hate Shayne. For everything he put me through and is still putting me trough till this day.

“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Tom said and when I looked at him his eyes where slightly squinted as if he were searching for the answer on me.

“True. But it’s just so hard to talk about.” I whispered and drew my legs up to my chin and hugged them tight to my chest as if this were all that would hold me together.

“I want you to know that I’m here for you, ok. I’ll listen to whatever it is you have to say.” He rested his hand on my arm and rubbed it faintly.

“Thanks…a lot. I just…I can’t talk about it right now.” Tom must have heard the crack in my voice as my emotions got a firm grip on my throat and squeezed it shut; he scouted a little closer and slid his arm around my shoulders.

It felt so different from the way Shayne had been holding me; there was no forcefulness in Tom’s embrace.

“Well when you’re ready, I’m here. And if I’m not; call me.” me smiled down at me.

At this point I couldn’t hold back any longer. I let go of my legs and leaned forward wrapping them around Tom’s neck. He held me close as I let out another shaky breath.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” he cooed into my hair.

I glanced over at the coffee table in front of the couch and noticed a book that looked all too familiar to me.

“You’re actually reading it?” I gasped as I let go of Tom and reached for the book on the table.

“Ja, I said I would.” he chuckled.

“So what do you think do far?” I questioned, a whole new layer of enthusiasm coating my voice.

We sat and discussed the piece of literature I’d loaned him last week. I didn’t really expect him to read it only because most guys I know don’t spend their free tie reading. But Tom says that because I’d expressed my fondness of the story he’d give it a shot as well. Not to mention it’d give us another topic to discuss on his many visits to the bookstore.

Cerise’s POV

Our visit had lasted a good four hours and I’d quite enjoyed myself. Shayne couldn’t keep his eyes off me and I didn’t want him too, but I’d much rather it had been his hands.

Apparently Amelia had to get up early for something at her gallery or whatnot; I didn’t really care enough to listen, so that meant they had to leave to beat the traffic on the way back across town.

On one of my trips into the kitchen I had snagged a piece of grocery list paper and written down my cell number on it and planned on slipping it to Shayne before he left.

They all rose from their spots on the couches as did everyone from Georg’s apartment and we all headed into the hall.

In the rush of things I found my opportunity and took it, slipping the folded note into his front pocket. I smirked at him as I sashayed down the hall. Amelia was already ahead of me retrieving her good for nothing sister who decided to camp out here the whole time.

She deserves to get her boyfriend stolen away, and who would I be to deny her what she deserved?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much to all of my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, gidjet363 and SarahBeth1369 for commenting my last chapter!!

More comments darlings!