Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Plotting a Demise

Madeline’s POV

We were sitting in the car on the way home and Amelia was telling me about something they had talked about while I was gone.

“It was actually pretty funny; you had to be there.” she laughed.

“Yea, I bet. Just you describing it is hilarious.” I chuckled.

“So what were you doing?” I heard Shayne ask from the back seat.

Even though I knew he was talking to me I joined Amelia in asking, “Who?”

He sighed loudly and I could just picture those matte blue eyes rolling exaggeratedly.

“Madeline. What were you doing?” he asked very annoyed.

“What was I doing when?” I asked totally playing the innocent I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-talking-about act.

“All day. Where were?” I could tell he was pissed and although I didn’t dare make him angry, the fact that he wouldn’t do anything in front of my sister only made me want to push this even further.

“What do you mean? I was at the apartments the whole time.” I said as if he was the stupid one which wasn’t very hard to pretend.

I heard him inhale deeply and then he slowly asked, “Where?”

“At Georg’s. You saw me get up to leave.” I said as if it was only so obvious.

“And you couldn’t just say that the first time I asked?” he snapped.

“Hey, it’s not her fault. You weren’t being very specific.” Amelia jumped in and set him straight.

“Well sorry, I though I was.” he said more controlled than before. He knew he would loose it if he didn’t calm down.

“It’s ok.” Amelia said, only she didn’t know just how not ok it was.

“So what were you doing at Georg’s?” Shayne asked me in a mock curious but still snotty voice.

“I was helping Tom look for a movie.” I said plainly, really not wanting to get into it with him.

“What movie?”

“I don’t remember; we never found it.”

“So what’d you do instead?”





“A book.”

God, did he ever shut up. This just kept going and Amelia could tell I didn’t want to say anything to him. She probably figured I didn’t want him thinking anything was going on between Tom and I, when that’s exactly what I wished was happening.

“A book? Are you serious?” he scoffed.

“Yes I’m serious. I loaned him a book and we were discussing it. There were some parts he didn’t understand.” I explained hoping to stop most of the questions.

He laughed an almost disgusted, ridiculing laugh before saying, “He must seriously be stupid if he has to have a chick explain some book to him.”

That was it, I’d had enough and my wick burned out at that point.

“Stupidity has absolutely nothing to do with it! It’s in English which you very well know is difficult to read and comprehend. You might know that if you actually read a book in your life!” I snapped and I regretted every word the second they left my mouth. I knew that the next time he had me alone I’d pay for it.

Shayne didn’t respond; he sat in the pack as quiet as ever. Anyone else would have figured I put him in his place, but only I knew that he was keeping himself from revealing his true evil self. He was plotting out exactly how he’d punish me for speaking out of line to him in front of my sister.

We pulled up in front of his house and he said a small goodbye to Amelia before he started to step out.

“Don’t I get a hug goodbye, Madie?” he said emotionlessly.

I turned to look at Amelia and she nodded saying, “It’s ok; I’ll wait here.”

As much as I didn’t want to step out of the car and into the darkness with him I knew I couldn’t tell Amelia why, so I slowly opened my door and stepped out.

He stood there with his hands in his pockets looking at the door of his house.

“Walk me to the door?” he asked holding out his hand. The calm tone of his voice scared me more than if he were to yell at me or order me to come with him.

I took his hand and he laced his fingers with mine as we walked toward the house. His grip was tight but not painful and I didn’t understand what was going on.

Once on the front steps he turned to look at me and his calm tone didn’t match the fury in his eyes.

“Now, Madeline. You know that wasn’t very nice of you to say that to me in front of your sister, right?” he said quietly, searching my eyes for the fear that was plainly there.

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“Good. Don’t let it happen again.” he narrowed his eyes as he spoke and his grip on my hand tightened.

“Ok.” I whispered as a tear fell from my eyes.

He reached up and wiped it away before pulling me in for a kiss. I didn’t want to but I wasn’t about to refuse him now.

He pried my lips apart with his tongue and shoved it forcefully into my mouth. I kissed back only out of reaction but it wasn’t enough to mean anything, to me anyway. He let go of my hand and pushed me from the small of my back into him. His hands fell and he gripped me from behind. I felt like I could choke on my sobs but I held It together for my own sake.

When he’d finished he turned and went inside without another word and I went back to the car, thankful for the darkness that now enveloped me. We headed home in silence and once there I cried myself to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for it being late today!
Mibba sux as of late!

Anyway...thanks to my readers and to Aly Kaulitz, CassMcD, xo_katrina_xo, gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, Monster-Kermit, xXxAlicexXx and YoUnGBoSsBaBe for commenting my last chapter.

More comments darlings!