Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Starlet Compassion and Understanding

Omniscient POV

Madeline sat on her bed in her room watching the sunset as she talked to Tom over the phone. He too was sitting and watching the sky melt away and give into the darkness.

Tom found and ease in talking to Madeline now that he knew of his feelings for her however not expressing himself was very difficult. He sat and listened intently as she spoke, absorbing every syllable.

“Oh, and not to mention Shayne is coming over again.” she said disgustedly. She didn’t want him to be there when she went to visit with her friends. He made it too uncomfortable for her to be herself.

“Why? What’s his excuse this time?” Tom had asked, being almost as annoyed with Shayne’s company as Madeline was. If it upset Madeline, then it automatically upset Tom; he didn’t want to tolerate anything that put her off.

“I don’t know. Some crap about his friend Brain, who lives with him, being away all weekend and having the car. He says he doesn’t want to be left there alone all weekend.” she said with aggravation coating every word she spoke.

‘So he’d rather come spoil everyone else’s time?” Tom said matching her irritation.

“Basically.” Madeline spoke flatly.

“What an ass. Well at least one person should be happy.” Tom scoffed at the thought he’d just produce.

“And that would be?” Madeline questioned curios as to who on earth could enjoy the presence of her unfortunate boyfriend.

“Cerise. I saw them making eyes at each other last time he was over.” Although Madeline wouldn’t be able to see it, Tom rolled his eyes and continued to stare out at the violet colored evening.

“Like I care. She can wrap herself up in him if she wants. Just keep him away from me.” the timid brunette spoke freely to Tom, expressing all her anguish blatantly.

“Am I going to have to steal you away again?” Tom asked playfully, every word laced in seriousness. How he only hoped she would want him to take her away from all the torment in her life.

“Please do.” Madeline stated plainly, almost afraid to sound too anxious. She wanted nothing more than for she herself to be wrapped up in Tom while the others conversed amongst themselves in the room down the hall.

At her words a spasm of joy and pleasure ran through Tom’s body, leaving a trace of shivers down his spine and he smiled into the darkness of his room.

He chuckled softly before speaking.

“It’s a deal then.” his heart accelerated and she too joined in on his laughter.

“If only I didn’t have to be with him. Then he would have any right being there.” Madeline sighed as she felt the chains that held her to Shayne tighten and pull at her from the inside. He’d made her promise after that night to never leave him. If she did he’d hurt Amelia and she wasn’t willing to risk her sister to his maliciousness.

“What do you mean you have to be with him?” Tom asked curiously. Madeline still had yet to reveal her whole story to him and the emptiness that coursed through his body when he didn’t understand her reasoning got thicker and thicker with every growing day.

“It’s a long story.” Madeline sighed knowing that she couldn’t continue to leave Tom in the dark, not if she truly cared for him. She sat staring into the indigo colored sky, watching as the first stars shown through the obscurity.

“I have time.” Tom stated. He wanted her to let him in, to help her with whatever tribulations she had.

“It’s not really something I want to discuss over the phone.” She knew this would be something she’d have to say to his face. She’d never spoken the truth to anyone but knew that telling her story face to face would be much more effective and helpful. “I’ll explain soon, I promise.”

“You have an awful lot of explaining to do.” Tom chortled softly, noting just how much she’d promised to clarify for him. He realized it was a big story, one that was complicated to tell, and he knew she need time to prepare herself before revealing something so tremendous. He’d give her that time with out consideration.

“You have no idea.” Madeline exhaled loudly after stating this fact. Tom was in for quite a surprise.

He too knew that this was going to be a clincher for the two of them. A sort of make or break if you will. But he was exceptionally sure of himself that nothing she could tell him would lessen his compassion for her, but only strengthen it. She could only hope for so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thaks to all my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x and Monster-Kermit for commenting my last chapter.

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