Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Wash It All Away

Tom’s POV

After talking to Madeline last night I realized something. That I no longer have any feelings toward Cerise. None at all. Not even in a friendly sort of way; she just wasn’t who I though she could be.

I’d spent nearly all morning thinking about this and decided now was as best a time as any. This all had to end.

I left my room and made my way down the hall to Cerise’s bedroom. I didn’t feel nervous or anxious or even bad about this. I guess it’s hard to feel thing for a complete stranger.

Once at her door and knocked and waited for her to answer. I heard the music inside turn down and then she called for me to come in.

I opened the door and walked in side stopping just at the threshold.

“Got a minute?” I asked casually.

“Sure.” she said plainly and I turned to close the door.

I walked over to her desk and pulled out the chair turning it to face her before I sat down.

“What’s up?” she asked nonchalantly like there had never been any turbulence between us.

“I’ve been thinking a lot.” I started and she nodded so I went on. “We’ve become so distant with each other over the past month…”

“Yea?” she questioned probably waiting for the point to my visit.

“Cerise, I think you and I both know this isn’t going anywhere.”

“This?” she questioned for a clarification.



“Yea. We’ve drug this out long enough. Don’t you think so?” I asked for her opinion but didn’t really care for it; I’d made up my mind either way.

“I suppose.” she sighed.

“So basically what I came to say is that it’s over between us.” I finally got out the message I came her to deliver.

Cerise’s POV

I stared at him blankly letting everything soak in. He’d just officially broken up with me. That never happened; I always did the heart breaking. Not that I was heart broken; I’ve got much better waiting for me

I finally sighed and nodded my head slowly.

“I guess I saw this coming.”

“You’re not angry?” he asked looking a little shocked.

“No.” not at the loss, just who I’m loosing to.

“Good.” he said slowly while nodding his head. I returned the nod and we fell into an awkward silence.

“Ok, well I’ll let you get back to…whatever it is you were doing.” he said as he stood to put my chair back at my desk.


He turned and went out the door closing it behind him as he left.

Normally I would have been furious but I’ve got Shayne now so it’s not even a big deal. It wasn’t like anything was going on between Tom and me anymore anyway.

Tom’s POV

I felt a whole new level of happiness and a sense of freedom as I left Cerise’s room. It was like taking a shower and stepping out completely clean and refreshed. I was rid of Cerise forever now.

Once back in my room I fell down onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling all the while a massive grin on my face.

I could only think of one thing at the moment; how I was free to go after Madeline now. Sure she was taken, but she didn’t want to be so it hardly bothered me.

I reached over to my nightstand for my phone and scrolled through the list of contacts until I came to Madeline’s cell number. I couldn’t wait to tell her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I', posting early tonight cuz i wont be home laater.
i have to go to my sisters play :]

Thanks to all my readers and to Aly Kaulitz, XTokioHotel_FanX, xXxAlicexXx and x6GothicxGirl9x for commenting my last chapter.

More commetns plz!