Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Poor Tommy Jr.

Tom sat up, rather abruptly, dripping sweat. Why? He wasn’t quite sure. He got off the couch and noticed the whole apartment was dark, and silent. Meaning he was the only one awake, at…he glanced at the clock. 3:09am, the sun wasn’t even up yet. He sighed and headed down the hall toward the bathroom, past Cerise’s room. He glanced at her door as he walked by, not a single thought running through his mind as he did. He was fighting to keep out the images from earlier, but it was hard to do so especially since he knew how well those panties fit, and how perfect her breasts looked, as they were slightly perked up in her bra. He splashed some water on his face from this sink. What was he thinking!?

“She is Georg’s cousin, his cousin!” he had to keep telling himself this, but it wasn’t helping.

“Tom?” He jumped, smacking his hand on the counter. It was Cerise, standing in the doorway, looking a tad sleepy in a little white night shirt and tiny black shorts. He backed away, keeping his distance as to not let anything happen.

“What?” he asked rather rudely. Although it didn’t seem to faze her, she seemed…confused if anything. She walked toward him, tilting her head to the side as she did so and he continued to back away, till the wall stopped him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, looking down at his hands as she continued to corner him in the bathroom. Tom took a deep breath, he wasn’t afraid of her. She was trying to do it again. Trying to get him into trouble. It didn’t happen last time, and it wasn’t going to happen this time. Especially with Georg and the others asleep just in the other room!

“No, I know what your trying to do and it’s not gonna work” She frowned, looking down at the floor. He noticed a single teardrop fall from her face and land on the tile. She looked up, her eyes puffy and red.

“I’m sorry,” She mumbled, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt but wasn’t sure if he should hug her back, or if it was just another one of her mind games.

“I’ve been nothing but trouble since I’ve been here” She sobbed, still holding tightly onto his waist. Tom just stared at the top of her head, not moving an inch of his body. “I wouldn’t blame Georg if he sent me away tomorrow!” At that Tom did hug her back. Georg would never do that, he was all she had left, and even Tom knew that.

“He wouldn’t send you away” He tried to reassure her; she just shook her head furiously.

“Y-Yes he will! He hates me! You all hate me!” She sobbed “And I can’t blame YOU, I mean, I tried to seduce you so that you’d get into trouble! Like you’d ever sleep with an ugly cow like me” Tom pushed her away from him so that he could see her face. She tried to keep her face down, still crying.

“You’re not…” He had to think of the right words as to not lead her on

“You’re not a...cow, and nobody hates you” She looked up and sniffled.

“Then why didn’t you…” She glanced down at his pants. Tom shifted, feeling a bit uneasy. He sighed

“Because I promised I wouldn’t” Her face seemed to brighten at that. It was a promise that he had in fact kept. “And besides, you’re Geo-“ She kissed him, cutting him off. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Tom froze from shock.

Push her away…now…right now! STOP!!!

He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her onto the counter. He felt a shiver run down his spine as she wrapped her legs around his torso. His heart was beating faster than he thought it could.

You Idiot! Stop! Georg…Killing…You! Dumb ass!

He pushed his thoughts aside as he lifted off her shirt. She sighed as he ran his fingers up the side of her bare back. She reached down to unfasten his pants when… there was…an

“AHH!!!!!!” Tom screamed jumping off of the couch “SHIT!” He cried snatching off his pants as fast as he could. He looked up to find Cerise and Bill both laughing hysterically at him, Cerise, holding an empty coffee mug in her hands.

“Sorry there cowboy, you had a pop tent and I thought I should help you take it down!” Cerise giggled. Tom glared at her, and then turned to Bill, who stopped laughing immediately.

“It was her idea, I was just an innocent bystander” He defended himself, but Tom knew just how cruel Cerise could be and wasn’t really mad at Bill.

“You!” He pointed at her “You devious little bitc-“

“What’s going on!?” Georg ran into the living room to see what all the noise was about. Cerise stood up and gave her cousin an innocent smile.

“Oh nothing” She said smiling at Tom “Tom was just having nasty dreams about me, so I poured some coffee on Tommy Jr.” She smiled as she said it, as if it was a good thing

“I WAS NOT!” Tom shouted in defense…and embarrassment. Cerise raised an eyebrow.

“Cerise no…we cant…” she moaned, mimicking Tom’s little conversation with the dream version of herself. Tom’s mouth dropped open and he began to shake his head. Bill smiled, nodding his head.

“Yeah…you did,” He laughed, although feeling a little guilty…but it was funny. Georg looked at Tom…waiting for him to speak.

“She poured coffee on me!” He pointed at her. Cerise stuck her tongue out at him.

“He’s right, go to your room” Georg said, crossing his arms. Cerise put her hands on her hips, and her mouth fell open.

“Screw you! You can’t keep treating me like I’m a little kid, Georg!” She screamed back. The twin’s both stared in amazement. They had never seen someone yell at Georg like that, and still remain standing. The girl had balls.

“She’s right” Everyone turned to look at Gustav. He seemed to have come from nowhere. He stretched, yawned and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a slice of cold pizza out and sitting at the table.

“What?” Everyone asked in unison. He shrugged

“Georg, you can’t keep punishing her like she’s five. You have to give her some responsibility, just trust her a little and maybe she wouldn’t be such a little bitch.” And with that he took another bite of pizza. Georg, turned back to Cerise who was a little offended from being called a bitch, but still happy that somebody was taking her side.

“Fine” Cerise smiled “But only if you agree to show a little more respect to us” She frowned, chewing on her tongue.

“Fine” She shrugged as Tom loudly cleared his throat

“Oh! And apologize to Tom for burning his….” Georg made the motion with his hand so he wouldn’t have to say it. Cerise rolled her eyes and walked over to Tom. He kept a stern face as she looked up at him.

“I’m sorry” She mumbled, but before turning away to go take a shower whispered “But I owed you for last night” which only Tom heard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jo gets that credit for this chapter!!
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